Why there are so many Marriage and Divorce ?


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May 20, 2003
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As for women are piggyback onto men. Women have been in a dependent role in family and transfer been in a dependent role in family and transfer dependence to mother person. Women get married in order to have family. Your child gives you an excuse to play a role. Women can make career choices throughout their life cycles. Women 18-24 live as though suspended until they decide whom they are going to marry.

As for men, they marry for safety. Like opposites attract theory. H may marry someone for quality. Jailbreak marriage is getting away from home. Men who are unwilling to make firm commitments in his 20’s in their ages.

People who either have a lot of education or a little education about age of 30’s, they say personal goals must be established also commitments in their jobs and family. Also, they have second thoughts during their ages between 25-35 men were putting job ahead of family. It comforted to expectations of this society. The marriage couples who have best outcomes get in touch with their feelings at age 40’s.

Like the women who have menopause with swing mood, which the husbands do not, tolerated well. Men who are middle class find being middle aged difficult for them to be fulfilled by only one woman. This is a time when many men start an affair. Half men in study disrupted their marriage.

Men take responsibility for whether or not a marriage is working 90% to 98% people get married. 70% of young adult’s ages between 22 to 26 get married. 30% get married in their early 20’s, greater number of divorce over 5 years of marriage. Second marriages seem quite stable. There is large number of children who live with single parent.
I guess more people are open-minded nowadays. Before, couples were too pussy-whipped that they feared to divorce their spouse. Now, they do it without hestitation.
Just one word....it is "Communication."

VamPyroX does clear it up too. Couples used to worry about rejection from their families if they didn't meet their expections. Now that is different.
I agreed with SilenceGold.. "communication" is the main key..
I divorced twice.. both ex are :deaf: VERY ASL..
and things didnt work out.. 2nd ex had emotional and temper problems & very jealous, he didnt have the love that he grew up with.. He saw the love that i had from friends & families.. He beat the shit out of me.. :dunno:.. I should have leave him before it got wrose.. too late, but thankful that I am alive..
i agree with SilenceGold in ref to communicaion -- but i think its MUCH more deeper --

more women it seems to me are asking for the divorce now a days as today's women are MUCH more independent and self reliant on their own life and make their own decisions unlike the women from our parents time and before --

i seem to notice also that the higher rates of divorced or never married single women are soaring now and the single women are choosing to be single mom's without having a male involved in their lives -- women have MUCH more control over their lives now and its time basically to show the men that us women are perfectly capable of running a household AND hold down a job just fine --

proven research has shown that women are MUCH better at their ability to handle stress than with the men and so forth -- i will haveta find that research article i read some time ago again and will post in here unless someone else beats me to it LOL -- also (at the risk of going a wee bit off topic here but is related to male/female gender war) women are also fighting for equality and the right to equal treatment in general society -- same pay as the males and etc since this issue is also coming up and more noticiable as with today's women they are starting to stand tall and say their piece without fear

another thing i read somewhere that divorce rates often occurs when 1 or both partners just simply dont LOVE eachother anymore -- more of a friendship kind of thing :dunno: uhmm i also have read somewhere in ref to this and noticed that the OTHER issue that is often brought up is that the woman earns more than their husbands and that pisses off their husband due to the society's acceptance and philosophy saying women should earn LESS than their men qq i say its :bsflag: if the women earns more than her man GOOD! shes worked hard to earn what she is due and has proven herself in the working world as well as in the household
the reason is married and divorce.. sometime think the married is so perfect and few years later.. everything is ruin well that is one thing i am really scared. I dont want lost my virga married. I must feel first thing trust her for a many years.. i will said about 4 or 5 years. i will feel start to trust myself and know her a lot deep. I will go ahead.
I think it's because of expectations.

When the couples marry, they have expectations for each other. After a while, they realize that their spouse didn't live up to their expectations, they just ... you know.

Another key is communication. I agree with you guys here. Communication always repair the broken bridges in relationships.
The couple marriage are difficult to accept for who they are. They have to accept themselves if they do not like his or her way. Sometime he or she has a bad habit.

The communication sometime breaks down. They need to sit down and have a long good talk.

I hate to get divorce over a silly things. I got divorce due to physical abuse. I have a good reason to get divorce to protection myself and my two boys.

I do not know if I will get marry again in the future. I am too scared to marry again.

I may never have any relationship for while. I am more happier what I am doing right now to do independent, travel and meet new friends. I really enjoy this every moment.

Yes, lonesome sometime bothers me but I have to find a way to keep things busy. :)

Here is my point

Maybe they married too fast without knowledge their background, Most of them marry for sex or money
They should know better and respect eachother.
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Back then, everyone was old fashioned and didn't take legal issues seriously. Now, all people do is take advantage of all the legal privledges they have and abuse it.
Sabrina said:
Second marriages seem quite stable. There is large number of children who live with single parent.

Second marriage don't last much longer than first marriage, I noticed people will do it again soon after their 2nd marriage failure, 3rd and 4th is increasing common today!

Yes, there are more and more single parent than before, as its about 3 per cent of married parents still together in my daughter's class the rest are single parents!
I've been married for awhile now and we've had good and bad times, you know. Someone said how couples who have a child with a disability have a high divorce rate. I think that's taking it out of context. All marriages have stresses, it's not what happens but how you respond to what happens. Sometimes I think people continue to think they'll be happy when they finally find the perfect person to be with. You keep looking outside yourself and you'll never find it. You have to be the person you want to be with, that's what people nowadays have completely lost sight of. And yes, I completely agree about communication. Honestly, if I didn't keep pushing this with my hubby we probably would have gone down the tubes. Men, you know, generally, don't mean to stereotype, but in general they have a harder time understanding their feelings and communicating. But if you don't have direct communication you're gonna have indirect communication and that's not good. And you also have to be committed. Even tho I personally like being married, I don't think it's something one should feel they have to do. But the thing about the legal committment, and if you have kids, is that you don't just check out when things get tough. There's gotta be a committment to the relationship.
Yes, I do agree w/ key "communcation" that major hight prior list as "Bridge Communcation".

We are constantly demand communcation every ways... No matter what, how's bad or good times. Still goes on contuines and making sure Structre understand each ways.

Fighting: Must always GO and cool off until when ready feel want to communcation to prevent breakdown the communcation. (We do that)
Used to be fighting issues MONEY, and Lifestyle as issues clothing expense/events plans/food expense what should limit cost fund goes to.. and also 3 debts. 'uneasy situation issues so many discuss can be lead heating debate' which it's good health of course but.. rather not too much heated.. wait until cool down then can discuss postive ways which the best further discuss start w/.... blah blah...

Will not affect divorce.. but otherwise.. if partner no matter who attempt affair.. can be lead into DIVORCE. that is it.. and also abuse can be lead to divorce too.

Pretty scary...
I've seen peoples who has been in divorce which their reasons...... cost lot of money expense on lawyer.. which there have "no fun being cases". *ugh*
Red~Rum said:
Second marriage don't last much longer than first marriage, I noticed people will do it again soon after their 2nd marriage failure, 3rd and 4th is increasing common today!

Yes, there are more and more single parent than before, as its about 3 per cent of married parents still together in my daughter's class the rest are single parents!


What are you signing in your pic? Is that Auslan?

I wanna go to Australia, but how hard was it to learn Auslan?
PrincessTabu said:

What are you signing in your pic? Is that Auslan?

I wanna go to Australia, but how hard was it to learn Auslan?

In answer to your question -- she's spelling her name 'R E D R U M' ;)

Yes, it's AUSLAN. First year when I moved here from USA -- I did find it a bit hard to pick up AUSLAN, but nowadays, it's not too bad. ;)
You have an opportunity to come out here -- in January 2005 for the Deaflympics! :D

yea i agree! i am divorced last june... smile.. but i havent get FINAL divorce yet.. i am wait for it! :deal:
Marriage nowdays is a joke. I value my freedom more than a ball chained to my ankle and felt on my ring finger.
Marriage has a different role today than it did in the past. Long ago it was not uncommon for the life expectancy to be under 35-40 years old and back then a marriage would only be 15 to 25 years long. Now it is more common for people to live longer and we are given a HUGE number of choices compared to back then. We are given more social interaction opportunities and the chance to meet people more in tune with who we are as people. Also people change obviously and drift apart in many instances. Nothing worng with Divorce whatsoever. It's an evolution of relationships.
PurpleRose71 said:
In answer to your question -- she's spelling her name 'R E D R U M' ;)

Yes, it's AUSLAN. First year when I moved here from USA -- I did find it a bit hard to pick up AUSLAN, but nowadays, it's not too bad. ;)
You have an opportunity to come out here -- in January 2005 for the Deaflympics! :D


Hi Purple Rose,

Thanx for the info-

Oh, I'd love to come for the Deaflympics, but no money I'm afraid. I'm not deaf, my son is. But one of the girls from his school made the USA soccer team. I'm thrilled for her!

I WILL make it there, tho not sure when :)

Longer life

And look at Hollywood they practically swap their rings about. And theres even a TV show that trades people in families. They've drastically cheapened the value of marriage and family among other causes.

With abundence of blood medicines making people living longer these days may come to the need for self attention and self realization and decide what to do with the next 100 yrs of life. 25 yr marriage anniversary is just enough to establish mariageworthiness and wants to start it over another (possibly with a young and virile) person.
