Can Gays be Christians?

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Sep 27, 2003
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I split this topic off from another thread in The Closet. My question is pretty straightforward: can gays be Christians? Or do gays automatically go to hell when they die, regardless of how they led their lives on Earth? Why or why not?

No personal attacks here—all viewpoints are welcome, no matter how extremist. If you don’t agree with somebody’s opinion, rebut it. Offer opposing evidence and arguments, and back them up with references.
As a Christian, I would think so. Even if homosexuality is regarded as a sin, which is something I'm not sure about anyway, I cannot possibly exclude a gay person. The reason being, I KNOW that I have sinned, and I can't say that my sin is any "less". I would be equally condemned. So, I would have no right to treat a gay person as if he or she were in any different of a situation than I am in. My need for salvation is just as great.
Christianity is only a belief, it can be done. Other Christians may be against it, but that's the gay person's decision whether to follow that belief or not.
Levonian said:
I split this topic off from another thread in The Closet. My question is pretty straightforward: can gays be Christians? Or do gays automatically go to hell when they die, regardless of how they led their lives on Earth? Why or why not?

No personal attacks here—all viewpoints are welcome, no matter how extremist. If you don’t agree with somebody’s opinion, rebut it. Offer opposing evidence and arguments, and back them up with references.

Gays are more than welcome to be Christians after confessin' their sins to God and ask for FORGIVENESS when acceptin' Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. This same goes for all kinds of sins a sinner commits.

Christians have NO business to judge by tellin' them what they SHOULD DO or SHOULD NOT DO in their lives. God gave people choices ( God or world ) to create their own life what they want their life to be. That's like people are their own artists. But, be smart what they ask for. *chuckles* Because, once they chose this world and do WHATEVER they want to do in their lives such as bein' thief, murderer, manipulator, adultery ( cheat on either spouse durin' marriage ), and all kinds of sins while rebellin' against God until their death... then, their souls will BECOME God's business to judge. It's why we can't judge them, because of the choices God gave them - good or bad. They have to THINK really hard to make the best out of it, so this way they will NOT suffer the consequence after their death. Umm.. it's like once they throw somethin' bad and the bad will ripple their life all the way through until death... what will ripple do after their death ? It will continue to ripple for the Judgement. If, the ripple is all good, then the consequence will be LESS to avoid the Judgement.

Flesh ( body ) and the soul are separate. Flesh body is people's business, but not the soul.

Of course, we MUST love gays, rapists, murderers, liars, abusers, and all. IF, we don't love them, then we don't love God for the same reason. IN and OUT must be the same. No difference, because God's eyes see us... we ALL are the same to God. We are no different to God. We have our faults -- big or small, it's still all the same.

I do admit that I sometimes bein' blunt... sometimes bein' nice... sometimes bein' sweet. It all depends on EACH day I face and what each day affects. Each day is not the same. I know some AD members despised me, just because of what they see in me -- Oh, well ! I am not perfect. I am just like others, no difference.

Jesus DIED for all of us and HE was the ONE who purchased us with HIS OWN BLOOD so we could have HIS forgiveness by committin' our sins to Him and have a nice and wonderful relationship with Him. His Love is GREAT than ours.

There's no reason to think that Jesus is a murderer or homophobia or whatsoever. He LEFT heaven to come down here to died for allll of us. Why label Him ? He thought of us by wantin' us to go to Heaven. He NEVER intented for us to go to Hell - that's ONE reason why He died on the cross. BUT, if we chose to rebell against Him, then there will be hell to pay after death. We have only ONE life - there's no 2nd chance after death.

FYI, Homosexuality is the same as fornication and adultery. God will judge them unless they repent and do this stuff no more.
OK—that’s pretty much the way I understood it. In order to be considered a Christian by the usual definition, a person has to do only two very simple things: accept Jesus as their personal savior, and ask Him for forgiveness of previous sins. But what if a person does this, but continues to engage in homosexual sex practices? Will God then reject them?
I'm the same as Rose Immortal, and she said pretty much as what I was going to say and I agree with her as well :)
Levonian said:
OK—that’s pretty much the way I understood it. In order to be considered a Christian by the usual definition, a person has to do only two very simple things: accept Jesus as their personal savior, and ask Him for forgiveness of previous sins. But what if a person does this, but continues to engage in homosexual sex practices? Will God then reject them?

I'm only going to speak for myself here, I honestly can not answer that because I do not know for sure what God will decide upon on this, but this shouldn't apply only to the homosexual because I have sins from time to time myself also, so I believe it's God's call whether I go to heaven or hell, no one else's...
Yes, Jesus died for ALL sins include homosexuals. Like the extreme christians said if a person who receive Christ and still have feeling tempting to do again and even did do it again are not true christians, my saying it is not true. Christians has different kinds of temptations and fall into sins. God still forgives and seeing the hearts of people who longing to become more like Him. Tho homosexual should agree with God it is a sin. And if so, that mean the person really meant it is a christians. No such thing christians will not be tempting or sexual active and struggle with that. They do, because we still live in the flesh. Spirit and flesh is ongoing battle and sin is a sin, and Jesus died for ALL mankinds. Yes, christians still struggling the battle of it. And problem is some churches doesn't know how to minister homosexual and some been very cruel to them which is not of Christ. Our responsibility is set example to minister one another, not cutting one other down.
Levonian said:
OK—that’s pretty much the way I understood it. In order to be considered a Christian by the usual definition, a person has to do only two very simple things: accept Jesus as their personal savior, and ask Him for forgiveness of previous sins. But what if a person does this, but continues to engage in homosexual sex practices? Will God then reject them?

God never taught them to continue this practices. The temptation don't belong to God. It belongs to this world, because that is WHERE they learn it from. God never tempts them, because of the choices they are makin'. God is ALWAYS there for them with an open arms ( 24/7 ) while they are still alive on this earth. And, He will be there. They have a plenty of time to change their minds/behaviours and repent. But, after death ... God will take over when it becomes HIS to deal with.

Like for example : God will ask them " What have YOU done for Me ? " And, of course they can't say about other persons. God will ask them about themselves individually - one on one. This will be between him/her and God - only 2 of them, not a group with them. In fact, this will hit them hard and their minds will blow, if they find themselves guilty. The bible says that God's Word is like a double-edged sword that can CUT soul in half. It will go STRAIGHT towards the person's heart to reveal who that person really is and this will bring this person to shake. And, even the bible says that NO ONE can hide from God from within and out.

Umm.. I just thought up of somethin' about the camera. It gives a good example. The camera is like our " body " and the film is like our " soul ". When you take the pictures and after the film developes, the pictures tell the story about you, or friends, or families or people or children, and etc., etc. The pictures will remain there for a very, very long time. It will be kept in the album book to remember.
Same goes with our soul what we do, say and think will be printin' in that film. And, the record of what we do, say and think will be rememberin'. The soul will be bringin' up to God to listen, and read our records as it plays after death. Our soul is " life " that will play. People will review their lives that plays in front of them. God will be with them watchin' it. It will play in only seconds, not 4 hours to complete the play. Heaven's time is the quickest than our earth's time. Of course, you will be experiencin' their feels, their emotions, their pains, and all. It's called " Chain Reaction ".
OK—so what I’m getting from CyberRed and hottiedeafboi is that no matter what you do, it’s never too late to repent. You have right up until the very last second of your life to ask forgiveness, and if you do, God will accept this request. Am I interpreting this correctly?
Levonian said:
OK—so what I’m getting from CyberRed and hottiedeafboi is that no matter what you do, it’s never too late to repent. You have right up until the very last second of your life to ask forgiveness, and if you do, God will accept this request. Am I interpreting this correctly?

Well, as for me it would be wise for me to repent and ask forgiveness than later, because I won't know if I will die accidently by tmr or within an hour. I can't foreseen tmr or an hour later what's goin' to happen.

Since people who read this thread, they already know as it is written in their heart. Readin' is a record as it stamps.
Levonian said:
OK—so what I’m getting from CyberRed and hottiedeafboi is that no matter what you do, it’s never too late to repent. You have right up until the very last second of your life to ask forgiveness, and if you do, God will accept this request. Am I interpreting this correctly?
Yes, that is true. That's what the thief on the cross did, as an example.

However, that doesn't mean people should "wait until last minute." For one thing, no one ever knows when that last minute might happen.

Also, why wait? Why live for years more in sin and guilt? Why waste any more time? Why not begin to enjoy God's peace now?
Levonian said:
OK—that’s pretty much the way I understood it. In order to be considered a Christian by the usual definition, a person has to do only two very simple things: accept Jesus as their personal savior, and ask Him for forgiveness of previous sins.
Yes. But understand, accepting Jesus as Savior means that a sinner has confessed to Jesus that he/she is a sinner, and that he/she is repenting (that is turning from) sin life. If the sinner (gay, straight, whatever) sincerely wants to turn from sin, Jesus, thru the Holy Spirit, will help that person gain victory over sin. If the sinner is just seeking a quick, easy "fire escape", and is not sincere about repentence, God knows the heart and will not be deceived.

But what if a person does this, but continues to engage in homosexual sex practices? Will God then reject them?
Every person who is a born-again Christian (that is, accepts Jesus as Savior) gets a new spiritual nature from God. However, the old human sin nature is also still present in the body. Temptations from within (old sin nature of the flesh), and without (the world), and both combined (Satan) still attack Christians. Sometimes, Christians don't resist the temptations, and then does commit sins. God doesn't "reject" Christians who sin. That is, the person is still saved, and will go to Heaven. However, the Holy Spirit will continue to convict the person with guilt and unrest, and God may use discipline to bring the person back on the path of righteousness. God doesn't do that to "punish" the person but to guide the person.
Levonian said:
No personal attacks here—all viewpoints are welcome, no matter how extremist.

Heath, if you want to chime in, feel free. This isn’t a ‘trap’. I/we really want to hear all viewpoints.
Everyone including Gay/Lesbian and all sinners are welcome to become Christians...unless they have to chose to stop living in sin and start living right with God...

For example: If Gay person decides to accept Christ and become Christian..then he will have to stop living in sin - stop being gay...and become straight person.

But...supposed gay person happens to be dying or last minute near person asks Christ to be his personal savior and forgives his sin...then he dies...yes, he will go to heaven.

I would never recommend for anyone to wait til last minute to ask Jesus in their heart because death can be very tricky...for example: if you were walking around in the house or running outside or whatever...all of sudden you get massive heart attack for first time...Would you have time to ask Christ in your heart? Think about is very scary for not ask Jesus in your heart and live right with God...

Remmy, God has mercy, grace and love for all of us...
Reba said:
Yes, that is true. That's what the thief on the cross did, as an example.

However, that doesn't mean people should "wait until last minute." For one thing, no one ever knows when that last minute might happen.

Also, why wait? Why live for years more in sin and guilt? Why waste any more time? Why not begin to enjoy God's peace now?

Amen, That was Jesus Christ's message to the world and then the Kingdom of God will come to you and you will enjoy and live with the blessings of what God provides and His Peace is awesome.
coloravalanche said:
Everyone including Gay/Lesbian and all sinners are welcome to become Christians...unless they have to chose to stop living in sin and start living right with God...

For example: If Gay person decides to accept Christ and become Christian..then he will have to stop living in sin - stop being gay...and become straight person.

But...supposed gay person happens to be dying or last minute near person asks Christ to be his personal savior and forgives his sin...then he dies...yes, he will go to heaven.

I would never recommend for anyone to wait til last minute to ask Jesus in their heart because death can be very tricky...for example: if you were walking around in the house or running outside or whatever...all of sudden you get massive heart attack for first time...Would you have time to ask Christ in your heart? Think about is very scary for not ask Jesus in your heart and live right with God...

Remmy, God has mercy, grace and love for all of us...

Amen to that.
Rose Immortal said:
As a Christian, I would think so. Even if homosexuality is regarded as a sin, which is something I'm not sure about anyway, I cannot possibly exclude a gay person. The reason being, I KNOW that I have sinned, and I can't say that my sin is any "less". I would be equally condemned. So, I would have no right to treat a gay person as if he or she were in any different of a situation than I am in. My need for salvation is just as great.

I agree with you. I also want to add, (although, it MIGHT throw this topic off but, I feel it needs to be said...) Nobody has the right to bash anyone for their beliefs. This is true of gays bashing Christians and Christians bashing gays. It's OKAY to disagree with each other, but why must we sink to the level of personal attacks? Why must we have a "You did it to me, so I'm going to do it to you" type mentally? Wouldn't we be better served to have a dialog to try and come together and understand each other instead of just being mean spirited?

Now, I DO understand that some Christians on here are trying to push what others see as an agenda, and this isn't appreciated. I DO understand this, but please lets all try to realize that nothing is being accomplished by attacking one another. If you Christians don't agree, than walk away from the thread, and raise the person in prayer if you feel the need. And, everyone else... Just accept that people aren't going to agree with you or your lifestyle.

I've seen threads such as "Is Jesus Gay?", and while I think the point needs to be made that Jesus could have been anybody, creating threads for the purpose of provoking someone is pointless.

So, please lets learn from one another. I would like to see threads created for the purpose of learning from one another instead of being demeaning and attacking. I hope I've given some food for thought.
coloravalanche said:
Everyone including Gay/Lesbian and all sinners are welcome to become Christians...unless they have to chose to stop living in sin and start living right with God...

For example: If Gay person decides to accept Christ and become Christian..then he will have to stop living in sin - stop being gay...and become straight person.

But...supposed gay person happens to be dying or last minute near person asks Christ to be his personal savior and forgives his sin...then he dies...yes, he will go to heaven.

I would never recommend for anyone to wait til last minute to ask Jesus in their heart because death can be very tricky...for example: if you were walking around in the house or running outside or whatever...all of sudden you get massive heart attack for first time...Would you have time to ask Christ in your heart? Think about is very scary for not ask Jesus in your heart and live right with God...

Remmy, God has mercy, grace and love for all of us...

It is not as simple as you "stop being gay." Whether you believe homosexuality is a choice or not, its not so simple as completely giving up your lifestyle. That'd be very much liking a black person to stop being black, or a male to stop being a male. It is who they are.
guido said:
That'd be very much liking a black person to stop being black, or a male to stop being a male. It is who they are.

Which leads very nicely into my next question. What if a person renounces homosexual sex—does that mean that he or she must remain celibate for the rest of their lives as insurance against sudden death? What if they think ‘gay thoughts’? What if our hypothetical gay person (we’ll call him ‘Roger’) accepts Jesus as his personal savior, requests forgiveness of sins, and swears off homosexual sex. But one day, as Roger is walking to lunch, he eyes a cute guy swishing by in a pair of tight Levi’s. Moments later, as he steps off the curb, poor Roger is flattened by an oncoming Metro bus. Heaven, or Hell?
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