What did you learn today? Part II


In Hazzard County
Super Moderator
Premium Member
Nov 30, 2005
Reaction score
Carry on Folks ;)
Why "carry on"? What was the problem with the original thread?
*I* learned that having feelings for a new someone does not always have to be scary.
Ah...there is a thread limit? I missed the sign. :dunno:
Well, there is no such thread limit
but normally for a general chat - like this - 100 pages or more.
it all depends on the OP
however the last one was well, what 500 - 1,000 pages?
Learned that my new great nephew looked so much like his father and elder brother.

Am disappointed that my nephew wasn't there for the birth. *smh*
Learned that my new great nephew looked so much like his father and elder brother.

Am disappointed that my nephew wasn't there for the birth. *smh*

Wow! Great-aunt at your age MD, young as you are? BTW, Congratulations.
Learned that my new great nephew looked so much like his father and elder brother.

Am disappointed that my nephew wasn't there for the birth. *smh*

Congrats! None of my nieces or nephews are married or pregant so i'm not a great aunt yet.
I learn that a several relatives of mine who got divorced a couple of years ago or less or more, and those aren't my blood relatives but know them for years since I was a child. They added me on facebook. Interesting! :hmm:
I just learned there were AD members up at silly o'clock posting randomness.