
BewitchedKitten said:
Can someone explain to me what exactly is the South Beach diet?? I am curious!

here what you are looking for.

It mean is:
You has to cut the bad carbs, fats, sugar etc (potatoes, pasta, rice, grains, some dairy products, fruits, alcohol, eg).
You has to take more protein like that eggs, cheese, red meat, steak, eg.
You has to take more good carbs like that most vegetables, chicken breasts, extra-virgin olive oil, dark chocolate etc.

It´s first for the 2 weeks....

You has to check the list of banned food items after you lost some weight where I link for you.

Then further 4 weeks, all of those banned items are move to the restricted list.... You have to take care of how much and how often you eat those foods from the restricted list...

I rather not take it because it would make me unhappy because of banned items.

I rather to eat anything what I wants, that´s why I´m for combinet diet.

See the link:

You can compare between South Beach diet and combinet diet and will understand why I prefer combinet diet.
Liebling:-))) said:
Do you mean Beach diet?

Yeah, I cant live without fruits and carb foods, that´s why I am for combinet diet.

My friend followed Suzanne Somer diet and it worked for her. I can have some whole wheat flour, oatmeal and brown rice but not any other starchy foods.
Skim milk diet suppose to help lose weight so I am going to check this out cuz I need calicum and vitamin D for my bones.
jazzy said:
My friend followed Suzanne Somer diet and it worked for her. I can have some whole wheat flour, oatmeal and brown rice but not any other starchy foods.

i try to avoid wheat as much as i can .. cuz it is considered as carb in case many of you are not aware of it..
I want to share about my unfortunate (underweight problem) with you and I changed the diet several times until this 'diet' I am on finally 'cure' this underweight problem.

I decided to be a vegetarian when I found out what they (conventional meats farm) did to animals. I was on vegetarian diet for few years however.. the condition started to develop in my abdominal area and causes some intestinal problem such as abdominal bloating, irregular bowel movement, low appetite, lethargy and abdominal cramps or pain. It is called, Diverticulitis. I researched and found that many vegetarians/ex-vegetarian have that condition because of lack of 'good' fats such as raw cream, raw butter, or animal fats. To my understanding that coconut oil, olive oil or nuts fats will not aid to heal or stop Diverticulitis condition.

With Diverticulitis condition and vegetarian diet, my muscles were shrinking and I lost lot of weights... Everyone told me that I look awful or thin or whatever it is. I was thinking that it is kind of phase due to vegetarian diet but.. it isn't. My skin condition was pathetic at that time.. Pale, dryness, etc. I decided to not stay on vegetarian diet any longer and adopted Ann Gittleman's 40/30/30 diet right after reading her book. It made sense that all of our bodies REQUIRE the red meats to provide the necessary nutritions for organs, cells, muslcs, brain, etc. The further studies & researches confirmed that vegetarians cannot survive without red meats if they live in wilderness. Do what old traditional people do, we will be more healthier, that's only logic.

But of course, it didn't stop or cure Diverticulitis and I refused to take any medicines.. I firmly don't believe in conventional medicines. So I changed to different diets... Believe it or not, I tried many diets and all of it did not help my condition. At that time, I still had the underweight problem due to Diverticulitis and vegetarian diet's devastating effects. I tried different diets for almost 7 years, I believe... but nothing works. Even though I finally increase some weight and small amount of muscles but couldn't get any more than that.

Until approx two months ago, I prayed (I know.. I kept repeating myself that I am not christian or anything else but I made a pray anyway) and I guess God answered my prayer... My mom somehow found something thru internet when she researched in next day. Before I explain bit more, that was when I somehow lose some more weights even though I ate the meats and such... I believe my condition somehow got worse or something.. I never find out why and what made it 'click'. At that point, my weight is like 138 - 140 lbs. It is pretty pathetic for 6'0" man like me.

My mom shared that information with me thru AIM/email.. I decided to give it a shot by bought these two books by one author. I read some and I feel that it is perfect for me because of my beliefs. It is way radical for most of people (and require the open-minded people to open and absorb the knowledge) so I rather to not name the book title and author so that's way I don't have to debate with anyone about this diet I am on. I give it a try... wow, Diverticulitis is almost completely disappearing and my weight is now at 182 lbs (muscles). I didn't even exercise or anything like that yet muscles developed anyway. It is very, very simple but so easy to dismiss because of um, its 'radical' idea. Actually, it is old, old traditional... native americans and eskimo thrived on that kind of diet. My weight increased from approx 140 to 182 in approx two months with no exercises. It is unbelievable but I definitely am going to stick with that diet for good since it is old traditional diet so it is practically perfect for anyone included me. btw, this diet I am on encourage anyone to consume lot of red & white meats, 'good' fats and other things.

ravensteve, see? God surely didn't make me underweight.. I did it to myself because of my ignorance (vegetarian diet). I overcame the problem on my own and knowledge that I found. I soon will start weightlifting to get some more extra muscles and weights that I lost when I was on vegetarian diet.

Suggestions for Angel and others will be in next post.

Edit: To insert the shameless humor in this post. I found one interesting thing about myself when I am on this diet right now.. My butt size is increasing... Nas kept grabbing my butt when she found out. I didn't realize that until I feel funny in my pants when I walked and found that my butt size got increased. lol...
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Hello everybody.

I have an eating disoder to making myself to gain weigh from depressed. I have bad depressed. Also, mostly of my exs been called me bad names in fat, ugly, and etc and I ingored them and I knew they are wrong abt me and it is not bother me... Right now, Im trying to lost some weigh and I hope I will make it *grins* Also I have two aunts- Aunt Sandy is Blimic, she been do that for more than 15 yrs since, she been alive and she is in hosptial right now, we tried to help her to gain back to her normal weigh but cant because her brain ruined already and she kept think that she is fat no matter if she look at herself in the mirror and will still think she is FAT. She is only 55 lbs right now and she is in 40s now... Still alive wow.. What a lucky but still, we tried tell her that she dont look good because THIN, BONE, NO TEETH, HAIR over her body, NAILS and etc yuck... Also my another aunt Susan, she is anericxo-Spell? She died in October 7, 2001 and she "killed" herself with overdose... She been anericxo for around 5 years maybe, she used to be in hosptial and got little better and only 75 lbs and she is only 38 yrs old... I miss her and I felt bad abt my two aunts.... Also one more.. My best friend been do same thing as BOTH of my aunts for few years until she met my two aunts and realized that its VERY bad and she tried to quit for almost three yrs and finally got better alot.. Im glad and I didnt find out until two years ago, I found out that she did that and I got pissed off abt it because bad memory for me to think of my both aunts do that... I hope everybody make it to lost weigh and good luck! ;) :thumb: :)
Magatsu said:
It is called, Diverticulitis <snip>

Thank you for sharing your story with us. I haven't looked it up on the Internet, but isn't it caused by a low-fiber diet? I think my cousin has the same problem as you have. I could never give up on meat even though I knew how animals have to suffer before and during the slaughter.

My sister has a butt like JLo's. It gets men's attention all of the times. <g> You may be lucky that few or no one will care if you have a big butt. :D
Sweetheart, wow that is quite horrible. I guess you no longer do that as well right? Unless I misread?

Pythia said:
Thank you for sharing your story with us. I haven't looked it up on the Internet, but isn't it caused by a low-fiber diet? I think my cousin has the same problem as you have. I could never give up on meat even though I knew how animals have to suffer before and during the slaughter.
Hmm, well I got that from these books I read. Allow me to copy/paste: Diverticulitis is inflammation in one or more of the sacs of the intestines. It most often results from a fat-deficiency. There may be several reasons for fat deficiencies: few references.

I looked up few books and all of it offers similar explanation. I am curious where did you find that information? I probably miss or something...

Speaking of animals and cruelity, I buy the red meats from certificated organic farms thru Whole Farm Market where have the free-range & cruel-free policy that allow cows 'bath' in the sunshine 24/7. Actually, during that time when I decided to be a vegetarian, I am not aware that there are some farm organizations that didn't encourage the cruelity and inhumane methods. Now I do so I consume these meats without feeling the guilty.

Pythia said:
My sister has a butt like JLo's. It gets men's attention all of the times. <g> You may be lucky that few or no one will care if you have a big butt. :D
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Katzie said:
:laugh2: Liebling! You go girly!

Did you know there's a relation between deafness and thyroid disorder?

I'm one of them, too and I have hypo-thyroidism.

I'm here to answer your question:

Unterfunktion der Schilddrüse – that’s what I have for over 2 years now. I searched that word into English since yesterday until I found it in a large English/German dictionary at work today. It written “thyroid insufficiency”. I’m sure it means is Hypothyroidism, not Hyperthyroidism (Überfunktion der Schilddrüse).
I’m still on the medication for over 2 years now. I took thyroid hormones pill every morning within 30 minutes before I eat the breakfast.

I guess that I’m also hypothyroidism, too. (Thyroid insufficiency)

Let me tell you how my thyroid was begin to notice.

I notice something different about me few years later after the birth of my 2nd son. I gained so much weight. I feel being weak and lazy. Always being tired and my skin were so worn out, no sex desire. I feel that I has no energy anymore and doesn’t’ bother anything and depression etc. The muscle of my hands and legs are odd and shake. I feel cold sometimes but my body gets sweat sometimes and dizzy. I have sleeping problem. I cream my body and face a lot due dry skin. My hair is dry. I also have the problem with my month period, too.

I check with my doctor. She suspected that it’s thyroid insufficiency and took blood test from me and also blood pressure, too. Few days later after that the result confirmed what my doctor suspected is correct. It also says that I has very low magnesium and high hormones in it. I do not understand because I ate a lot of green vegetables & white meats, fishes… mmmmhhh.

She said that it’s due hormones stress that’s why I gain the weight through that sleeping problem. I also take magnesium pill once a day to keep my body energy.

It took few months to get everything back to normal again after took my first medication. (Thyroid hormones) I lost 35lbs weight and have energy back. I’m mood to do anything positive. My skin and hair goes back normal. Without medication, it would not work on me. It means that I am on the medication rest of my life. I check with Doctor for blood test twice a year for safety because of cancer, that’s what the doctor says so. I follow the doctor’s recommend.

Avoid sleeping problem due hormones stress: The doctor give me the list what I can do to avoid sleeping problem.

My last eating should be until 6 pm, no more! If I am hungry after 6 pm then take apple or herbal tea.
TV should be turn off 1 hour before go to bed. I do is go for a walk before go to bed because my body and brain need quiet. I do that often.

I chat with online friends until I’m tired then go bed sometimes. (I know it’s no good) But I sleep well. :lol:

No, I didnt know about the relation between deafness and thyroid disorder. wow!

Anyone, who has thyroid.
Are you still on the medication? Some of your posts got me wondering because my doctor said that I might living on the medication rest of my life. :dunno: What about you?
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wow interesting post, Magastu, Sweetheart & others!

I will share mine soon.
zesty said:
oh.. i am NOT that pissed at all.. if you saw me in person.. youd see that too.. i dont get pissed that easily.. i just said it out of humor.. mind u? lol
dont forget laughter is the BEST REMEDY! :P

EDIT: he will be the ONE who will die young with all of THE NONSENSE going on in HIS HEAD--> not us... if you dig me.. :D

He would be a good moving in next to your door. You can become monitor him while he uses this site. ;)

When your hair turns grey, let us know. We will deliver you dye boxes.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: , you impossible funny, Sabrina!!!

Zesty would kill him already if he live next door to her. :eek:
Magatsu said:
But of course, it didn't stop or cure Diverticulitis and I refused to take any medicines.. I firmly don't believe in conventional medicines. So I changed to different diets... Believe it or not, I tried many diets and all of it did not help my condition. At that time, I still had the underweight problem due to Diverticulitis and vegetarian diet's devastating effects. I tried different diets for almost 7 years, I believe... but nothing works. Even though I finally increase some weight and small amount of muscles but couldn't get any more than that.

Oh my gosh, I am so glad that you brought this up. I print this out and share with my son. He has exactly same problem as you. I am so worried about him because he looks terrible to lose so much weight. No muscles in his arms. Doctor and I are concerned about him. He refused to eating any animal oil, meat, etc... I was battled with him to encourage him to eat meat because he does not have much protein in his body. I bought him a large peanut butter jar to make him to eat it daily. :cry: He does not listen to me even the doctor.

He dislike to eating vegetables... just plain cheese pizza, ravoili, grilled cheese, drink weird juices, coffee, milk, cereal, (I can't think what he eats very little since a year now).

Please check in your PM.
Oh dear, Sabrina.

My friend who is vegetarian for few years. I met him at my friend´s 50th birthday party last summer. He brought those subject up over vegetarian. It remind me of Magastu´s post at Cyberred´s thread and talked to him about this. He stood up and asked me to look at him. I did. He look good and very slim and has muscle. It got me wondering and ask him how he do that because the meats are mainly important protein and need to strength the muscle etc. He said: Simply is take Iron pills to strength his muscle body. I was like :eek: and never thought that Iron pills do help if you dont like to eat meat.

Have you thought about Iron pills, Sabrina? Have you check with doctor about Iron or magnesium pills?

It´s only suggestion to give you idea about this to help your son.
Liebling:-))) said:
Anyone, who has thyroid.
Are you still on the medication? Some of your posts got me wondering because my doctor said that I might living on the medication rest of my life. :dunno: What about you?

My husband's gran still take those thryoid pills and she will be 94 in March. She is healthy as horse.
jazzy said:
My husband's gran still take those thryoid pills and she will be 94 in March. She is healthy as horse.

wow, how long she has been on thryoid pills?

Without pills, it would not work on me like what I said on my earlier post, that´s why I has to take pill as long as I am still alive. I check with doctor twice a year for blood test. I´m okay as long as I´m still on the thryoid pill.

Thryoid is not incurable illness.
This was just released guidelines

New diet guidelines
Government sees chance to change health habits
Wednesday, January 12, 2005 Posted: 11:22 AM EST(1622 GMT)

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The government on Wednesday told Americans to slash their calorie intake and exercise 30 to 90 minutes a day, updating guidelines that advised people to lose weight but gave few specifics on how to do it.

The new dietary guidelines will be used to update the familiar food pyramid, which most people recognize but few heed. The revision will be the pyramid's first since the Agriculture Department created it 12 years ago.

Issued by the Agriculture and Health and Human Services departments, the guidelines strengthened the government's advice on whole grains, telling people to choose whole grains such as whole wheat bread instead of refined ones like white bread or bagels.

People should also eat a lot more vegetables and fruit, the guidelines said.

"Eating fewer calories while increasing physical activity are the keys to controlling body weight," the guidelines said.

The government recommended three one-ounce servings of whole grains each day, such as certain unsweetened breakfast cereals, to reduce the risk of heart disease and help maintain weight.

The new guidelines also encourage people to eat whole fruits and vegetables rather than fruit and vegetable juices.

The advice is not really new, but the government sees the guidelines as an opportunity to change people's ways.

"It has been a big problem in the past that basically, the federal government has published a booklet and then crossed their fingers and hoped that Americans ate better," said Margo Wootan, nutrition policy director for the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a health advocacy group.

"That's clearly not been enough. What we need is significant investment in programs and changes in policy and the food environment that help Americans to eat better and watch their weight," Wootan said.

The guidelines were based on recommendations of a 13-member panel of scientists and doctors who spent nearly a year reviewing Americans' diet and health.

The committee said people lead sedentary lifestyles and choose their food poorly, leading many to exceed the calories they need even as they fail to get enough nutrition.

Controlling calories -- not limiting carbohydrates, as some popular diets recommend -- is key to controlling weight, the panel said.

Also key is daily exercise. The panel recommended a minimum of at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise -- brisk walking or gardening -- on most days.

But it said many adults need to exercise for 60 minutes or more to prevent weight gain, and people who have lost weight may need to exercise for 60 to 90 minutes to keep it off.

The panel said to choose fats and carbohydrates wisely. That means severely restricting trans fat that can clog arteries and eating fiber-rich whole fruits and whole grain breads versus juice and refined grains. People should eat five to 13 servings each day of fruits and vegetables, depending on their age and level of activity, the panel said.

The committee recommended cups rather than serving sizes in many instances; by this measure, the average person would need 41/2 cups of fruits and veggies to maintain his or her weight.

That might sound like a lot, but it's easy to do, said Robert Earl, senior director for nutrition policy for the National Food Processors Association.

"Let's say you drink a serving of orange juice, you eat a banana, you have a salad with one of your meals, and at dinner, you have a vegetable," Earl said. "I'll bet you're at close to 4 cups already, if not more. The important thing is to move consumers in the right direction."

The panel also said people need to reduce the amount of salt they eat to about one level teaspoon each day -- salt is linked to high blood pressure -- and those who drink alcohol should drink in moderation, about one drink each day for women and two for men.

What do you guys, think?
Liebling:-))) said:
wow, how long she has been on thryoid pills?

Without pills, it would not work on me like what I said on my earlier post, that´s why I has to take pill as long as I am still alive. I check with doctor twice a year for blood test. I´m okay as long as I´m still on the thryoid pill.

Thryoid is not incurable illness.

Gran has this problem since she was young ( probably in 40's) and used to be little overweight but now she is thinner and walk on treadmill 3 times a week. I will ask her when we see her.

I have overactive pituitary and my body think I am pregnant so I am taking this pills. Maybe I will take pills for the rest of my life. I feel for you and others since mine is not real well known as thyroid do. I know what those screw-up hormones done to the body and it is awful.

I blew it two days in a row :( I wake up with this menu in my mind but I just blow it once I get stressed out at work.

Emotional eating is extremely difficult to tackle.

But keep up with good work :) :hug: