pets annoying

Frisky Feline

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2003
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what is the most annoying thing your sweet pets do? (any kind of animals you live with) :giggle:

:fruit: do tellllll! :fruit:
One of my cat look like a garfield (no question for it). i have three cats, and they know my schedule to get up every morning. "garfield" kitty had no patient when my alarm clock is not yet reach to it. He simply walks over my body and drops his body landed on my chest real hard and be still, hoping that he would wakes me up and make me up. well I did wake up, but ignore him anyway and let him sitting on my chest while i was sleeping. in fact his chubby fur keeps me WARM! Look like he knew so he decided to knead and again dropped his body landed on me. that is IT! :mad2: he WON.

edited: its for their breakfast time in the early am!

by the way, his name is Jude. :cool2:
The most annoying thing my pets does [both cats and rabbit!] they poo and not cover it up.

Mosey just poops and exits the box. Eww! Ashy is very finicky and will run to the box and covers up Mosey's poop.

Mosey will go into Wooky's box to pee and exit. Wooky will get P.O'ed big time and cover it up herself. Wooky will dig Mosey's pee outside of the box BUT when Wooky's dingelberries are too scattered over her box, she will hop, poop, hop hop hop, poop, hop hop, poop poop poop, hop hop then finish poop all through the night!

Imagine I get up at 3 am and I walk barefoot to the bathroom.. it's not mud I'm stepping on. :lol:

Oh yes, Wooky doesn't sleep in her cage anymore. She's like one of the cats.
my dog, Pappy put his paw on my face to wake me up LOL that is annoying
:laugh2: at mrs bucket's pets. LOl they are toooo cute to forget about their poops! especailly, wooky's hop poop hop that makes me laugh real hard!

two of my long haired cats, often got stuck their poops on their arses between hair on their tails. :mad2: I often trimmed their rears to prevent from being stuck on poop.
:laugh2: at mrs bucket's pets. LOl they are toooo cute to forget about their poops! especailly, wooky's hop poop hop that makes me laugh real hard!

two of my long haired cats, often got stuck their poops on their arses between hair on their tails. :mad2: I often trimmed their rears to prevent from being stuck on poop.

:mad2: me too. but I have a dog. sometimes he steps on his own piss and he walks around, leaving paw prints all over. :mad2:
I have 3 yr old brown turquoise tabby, Midnight and she's so annoying that when I climb downstair or upstair, she was following ahead of me and cut right in front of me halfway on the stair standing in the middle of my path!!!! :eek2:. I nearly stepped on her and I had to avoid her quickly before I squash her. It's her ways of getting attention. If I were running up or down stair, my cat cuts me off very fast which is scary cuz I wouldn't have time to avoid stepping on her or I would tumble and crash to the floor cuz of damn cat!!! :pissed: Sometime cats cut off owner's path just because it's food or water was out or time to change litter. Her food, water is full and litter been cleaned so it's just her attention. I had similiar problem with my former cat that did same thing too. I don't like the idea of cat suddenly cut in front of owner's path as were if it want to commit suicide by being stepped on.

My cat have strange personalty that she is kinda attached to kitchen 1/2 bathroom toliet, If the door was closed unoccupied, she'll meow to beg me to open the door to get in. She sits on top of toliet or sit beside of it. When she was in bathroom, she was meowing at me begging me to open the toliet cover so she can sit and watch or observe the toliet bowl and even wanted me to flush the toliet so she can watch the action with ears full on. My wife told me when I was in bathroom, my cat meows and stretched and scratch the door begging to get in the bathroom.

And when she get spooked or become wild, she pouf her tail. She does that often and it was funny. :lol:

When weather is cold, my cat sleeps on blanket, chair cushion, or vinyl leather dining bench. When furnace kicks on and running (she hears them), she got up and rushed to floor duct and lay down to keep herself warm as long as it's running.

Our rabbit, Wooky, she chew some wires include wire of controller to PS2. Our cats love to lie on the keyboard on our laptop because of heat. When I move one of our cats off the laptop, notice the typing didn't look normal like the character looks weird so I force to restart to restore the keyboard setting.
I have 3 yr old brown turquoise tabby, Midnight and she's so annoying that when I climb downstair or upstair, she was following ahead of me and cut right in front of me halfway on the stair standing in the middle of my path!!!! :eek2:. I nearly stepped on her and I had to avoid her quickly before I squash her. It's her ways of getting attention. If I were running up or down stair, my cat cuts me off very fast which is scary cuz I wouldn't have time to avoid stepping on her or I would tumble and crash to the floor cuz of damn cat!!! :pissed: Sometime cats cut off owner's path just because it's food or water was out or time to change litter. Her food, water is full and litter been cleaned so it's just her attention. I had similiar problem with my former cat that did same thing too. I don't like the idea of cat suddenly cut in front of owner's path as were if it want to commit suicide by being stepped on.

My cat have strange personalty that she is kinda attached to kitchen 1/2 bathroom toliet, If the door was closed unoccupied, she'll meow to beg me to open the door to get in. She sits on top of toliet or sit beside of it. When she was in bathroom, she was meowing at me begging me to open the toliet cover so she can sit and watch or observe the toliet bowl and even wanted me to flush the toliet so she can watch the action with ears full on. My wife told me when I was in bathroom, my cat meows and stretched and scratch the door begging to get in the bathroom.

And when she get spooked or become wild, she pouf her tail. She does that often and it was funny. :lol:

When weather is cold, my cat sleeps on blanket, chair cushion, or vinyl leather dining bench. When furnace kicks on and running (she hears them), she got up and rushed to floor duct and lay down to keep herself warm as long as it's running.


:giggle: your cats sounds so normal to me!
Our rabbit, Wooky, she chew some wires include wire of controller to PS2. Our cats love to lie on the keyboard on our laptop because of heat. When I move one of our cats off the laptop, notice the typing didn't look normal like the character looks weird so I force to restart to restore the keyboard setting.

ouchie. is your controller working??

poor ya that you got three fuzzykids! ha
i think all pets are annoying at times. but ya wouldnt feel right without them! i had to put my dog in boarding today since im out of town a couple days.. shes a brat but it dont seem the same without her around. after i dropped her off at the boarding place on my way out of town this morning i kept looking im my rear view mirror without thinking about it to check on her.
Our rabbit, Wooky, she chew some wires include wire of controller to PS2. Our cats love to lie on the keyboard on our laptop because of heat. When I move one of our cats off the laptop, notice the typing didn't look normal like the character looks weird so I force to restart to restore the keyboard setting.

Get a Wireless PS2 controllers. I have two of them and it's very convenience.

My cat does sits and lay down on my laptop keyboard. Cuz the mobo underneath act like a heating pad for cat. Sometime she somehow shut it down or ran several programs when she stepped on special function keys (like Email, browser or Acer's Empower setup) I had to bring a squirt bottle to "tell" her to stay off laptop! Often when I bring squirt bottle, I say "squirt squirt", she knew what it meant and took off quickly. :giggle:

When I was in basement on PC, my cat typically walks in front me before keyboard blocking my view and rub her body and tail on my face or bent her head down and using top of her head to butt-rub on my hand constantly while holding the mouse. Sometime she nipped me when she's wild. I told her "get off me furball!!" :lol:

every morning, i brew the coffee. One of my cat knows that i am going up to the computer room. His tail was up and wiggly soft, his ears are up like he's excited, waiting for me, and then i got my coffee. He ALWAYS walk with me, but really he was in front of me like he wants me to trip, but he couldnt help it very too excited to get in my way. i had to lift my foot pushing him away from me from getting us hurt! :lol:

then I sat in front of the computer. needless to say, He likes to be next to monitor and TV but he rather steals my chair, but he waits to make sure my seat is all WARM enough before i get the second coffee. he jumps and sit on it and sleep there. I am forced to sit on the tiny chair. thats my morning everyday. :mad2: If i won't let him to sleep on my chair, he WOULD sit on the keyboard in front of me, i did move him away from the monitor. He keeps coming back until he gets it what he wanted it. few times, i was in a bad mood, and ignored him completely. He sat staring at my face and in a quiet still. He knows how to get on my nerves! I tried ignoring him for half hr and he is still there! He always win on everything what he asked or wanted.
haha cute thread.

when i first opened the thread, i was way, there is nothing annoying about my pets...they are perfect! but as i read everyone's comments...*gulp* I can list a few.

my dog- how he refuses to pee or poo unless i am outside with him. he can't go on his own. he has to wait for me. evn when it is raining!

my cats- one, when he comes out of the litter box and wants to be cuddled right away and the other one, likes to sleep on my laptop keyboard just like aghori's. one time, when my cat put her fat ass on my keyboard, the info on my screen went horizontal rather than vertical and i couldn't figure out how to get it back so i coud read stuff on my compuer vertically for a bit. now, that was annoying because I couldn't read the AD stuff!

but you know what? they could probably list a bunch of annoying things i do! LOL.