Zelda: Wind Waker - price dropped.

Ocie Denver

Apr 19, 2004
Reaction score
Finally...Toysrus had new-brand Zelda WW's price dropped from $49.99 to $19.99. I bought it at Toysrus at Cader Rapids yesterday. I'm glad that my patience paid off.
You have a chance to buy that Zelda game for $19.99 at Toysrus if you're in United States.
Sorry, foreign pals. But you could look up in your local video game stores if they had its price dropped.

[Edit] WalMart, GameStop, EB Games, and other major stores had Zelda WW's price dropped, too.

Now after I finish the wind waker, I would get the other game with the realistic link in it as an collection for gamecube :P
yes sometime it is worth to have patience paid off...for example, I wanted Fable, Silent Hill 4, and others for Xbox...I decided not to purchase it for 49.99 bucks as it is outrage...I can wait and be patience...really there are plenty of time ahead...I actually wanted Knight of the Old Republic for xbox so badly...it was released last July 2003 and I didnt get to purchase this game until February 2004 as price dropped down to 39.99 from 49.99...and I went on and purchase then strange thing on the following next month from Feb 2004..this game went down to 19.99 (oh what a big sucker I am haha...) this is why I better wait...no HURRY....