your opinion?

I hope you get your mate to check the camera (for defective, etc) before shipping it off to you in a good package. This would save you bunch of money that way and not run out around thirty-day return by the time you get it.
I hope you get your mate to check the camera (for defective, etc) before shipping it off to you in a good package. This would save you bunch of money that way and not run out around thirty-day return by the time you get it.

Yes, we will do to check it before shipping to him.
Yeah - chevy will do it for me. But man, be careful!
I like Nikon D90 with movie mode but expensive about $1,200.

D90 from Nikon
I wish to won lotto millions dollars and buy new one. :giggle:
Pentax is great camera! Nikon is good slr camera for beginners/ economics. I would buy the nikon if one of my kids ask me get one for them, because nikon is very economic and reasonable price. ;)

Most important that you need to look @ Nikon's lens are available and Make len investments for nikon's body. I make sure that you using the slr camera alots because of lens are available in future.

I purchased those cameras for reason that both slrs can using interchange lens and best investments.
:Owned: me!

from who have own SLR
Jacob, good choice you brought. I am professional photographer as well. I do have Nikon D80 and D700. Even though Canon is good but I am Nikon lover. Have fun playing with Nikon D60, you will love it than small compact digital camera for sure! As for Nikon D90, sure it's cool to have movie mode but it's worthless for sure. Would rather to have videocamera itself, not two in one. It's silly.

Hey, thanks so much for responding to my interview thing, it was a big help. I have a nikon d40 and it's awesome. just thought i'd let you know. Thanks again!
Good News, Jacob got new Nikon D60 camera last monday when I had ordered it at low cost and it was shipping from Canada. He said that new camera is fantastic! and he loves it. He will send some images of Japan trip to me when his family and he will plan to go to Japan next month.
Next month, eh?

Yeah, my camera arrived last monday, and it has been such a baby to me since it arrived. It is working beautifully, my parents are so jealous, even though my mother is planning to get herself one in Japan.

Will post a few images here to show what works of my camera is like... there is one, in my avatar. Enjoy.