Your opinion about relationship between hearing and Deaf.


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Apr 26, 2006
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I'm just wondering what's your opinion about those gay/lesbian who are deaf/hearing relationship ? I mean not just hearing/hearing or deaf/deaf.

I recently have some frustration with hearing girlfriend, actually it's really new to between us. She is pretty good with fingerspelling and somewhat on signs but still learning. She said she wouldn't give up. I strong feel that she is not sort of "interested to learn signs" I know it takes time to teach one to learn fully signs to able to communicate to each other. I just wish there is like easy way to for us to walk over the bridge than some point to the frustration. I really like her a lot (I mean alot). I guess I'll be exist as she thinks. I'll just leave her alone. :confused: :cry: :|
Please be patient with her. As long as she continues to use fingerspelling and signing. She will get better along the way.

I have a hearing partner for 16 years.

Please be reminded that d/Deaf and hearing people need their own spaces.
Meaning that she can go with all hearing friends without you and you can go with all d/Deaf people without her. 50/50 You two don't need to be together all the time. Be independent, trustworthy and respect eachother's need to fulfill eachother as a person.

Yes, hearing culture and d/Deaf culture are different. It can work only if you respect the hearing culture and she respects d/Deaf culture.
EyesBlueDeaf said:
Please be patient with her. As long as she continues to use fingerspelling and signing. She will get better along the way.

I have a hearing partner for 16 years.

Please be reminded that d/Deaf and hearing people need their own spaces.
Meaning that she can go with all hearing friends without you and you can go with all d/Deaf people without her. 50/50 You two don't need to be together all the time. Be independent, trustworthy and respect eachother's need to fulfill eachother as a person.

Yes, hearing culture and d/Deaf culture are different. It can work only if you respect the hearing culture and she respects d/Deaf culture.

EyesblueDeaf - yes you are right. I should be more patient with her signing and fingerspelling. Just that some frustration will come little harder because it's different when I dated (Angela) who was ASL interpreter. It was everything easy but with Amanda, it's just little hard because of little lack of communication. I am not fall into a relationship with her. I just want to find out what tips/ideas to keep us have a fun new companionship we have until we go further. Also do you know any website that explian about our Deaf culture/ideas and tips how hearing/Deaf relationship goes because she has little of knowledge of Deaf culture ?

I am introducing her to my Deaf friends to her this weekend- to show what's like to be around Deaf people. Ofc, I have three hearing friends to keep her company. See how we will react this weekend. I'll keep the posted.
Why not encourage her to take ASL Class? I'd suggest that she go to Deaf/ASL Studies (2 years - good for people who want to learn ASL and Deaf Culture.. or people who work with Deaf people) or Interpreter's Program (3 yrs +)

information about Deaf Culture (links)
Deaf Culture: Suggested Readings

There are so much information on the internet, all you need to do is type 'Deaf Culture" in the 'search' box (google, yahoo, etc).
Thank you for everything :) I hope my relationship with Amanda is going be fun and interesting with her.