YoUr HoMePaGe

Nice sites everyone....SpiceHD - yours is very good -- and you said it was your first shot at making a homepage! That's very good for a first timer! :thumb:
thanks... i still work on it though.. i want to learn php and html and all that :)
Here's My website I'm hoping to get my own Domain name soon ... but I'm having a horrible time thinking up a name that can include both aspects of my site ( SMA and hoh/D)

if anyone has any ideas for a domain name PLEASE let me know ( there's a number of "email me" links on my site )

Heres' my site, I use it to show clients in my graphic design/website business.
Lots to look at.

take care,
P.S. very tame stuff compared to some I've seen on this forum. I HATE the f word.
lisartist said:
Heres' my site, I use it to show clients in my graphic design/website business.
Lots to look at.
take care, Lisa
P.S. very tame stuff compared to some I've seen on this forum. I HATE the f word.

I took a look at your website. Did you used watercolor painting by your hands-on approach or through computer? I thought of doing some watercolor painting project, but not sure where to start with. I did some research to learn more about watercolor painting such as "wet-to-wet" watercolor painting technique. Anyways, I got first prize for my watercolor painting project when I was little kid back then at my school. So I thought why not doing that again these days as hobby. If you are curious about my website,
it is at: Let me know about your suggestion regarding watercolor painting. Thanks!
ventiCM said:
I took a look at your website. Did you used watercolor painting by your hands-on approach or through computer? I thought of doing some watercolor painting project, but not sure where to start with. I did some research to learn more about watercolor painting such as "wet-to-wet" watercolor painting technique. Anyways, I got first prize for my watercolor painting project when I was little kid back then at my school. So I thought why not doing that again these days as hobby. If you are curious about my website,
it is at: Let me know about your suggestion regarding watercolor painting. Thanks!
Hi there!
Sorry for such a late reply. I don't do many traditional watercolors anymore, I use mainly computer watercolor in CorelPainter because of commercial projects. I would never use it for a portrait commission though. I think you should DEFINATELY continue to explore watercolor. If you got a prize in it, then someone noticed your potential. You might have a hidden talent you would never know about unless you uncover it. It's about joy too, if it brings you joy, then do it! I always drag out my watercolor how-to books when I get an opportunity to start a traditional painting. I got a good many of them through the North Light Book Club. Great club. Favorite watercolor artist books are by Jan Kunz. She's absolutely the best teacher too. I took one of her classes, flew all the way to Oregon from VA, but her books are a close 2nd to that experience.
Post some of your work when you do decide to dabble! I looked at your webpage and couldn't find anything showing in the portfolio link.
So curious....

Take care,