You hate me?


New Member
Oct 20, 2006
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I had my ASL class today and the students have various levels of knowledge. It happens that i have a very far head start on the class. We went out on break and i was smoking a cigarette and these two girls who are obviously friends were standing a little ways a way from me. This other woman comes out and asks me what a sign means. I told her and she walked away. One of the two girls standing away from me said quietly, "i hate that guy". I guess she thought i couldn't hear her because of the distance. I laughed to myself. Why hate me? Because i know a lot of signs? Because i can communicate on a level you can't yet? If i was in highschool that probably would have bothered me. It just made me laugh. WOW some people!! LOL:giggle: :giggle:
you should have confronted her and ask her what was the reason why she said that.
Yeah I agree with RebelGirl here, you should ask her why she said that... Usually it's the case of jealousy... :dunno:
Well the girls are the type in HS that were really b*tchy angry at the world but kinda popular. Well we are in college now so everything they had to stand on, their status, is gone. I know if I had confronted her then I would prove in the conversation that I am more intelligent than her and a better person than her. I already knew that. Besides I felt like the better person by letting it ride. Her reason for hating me is stupid, it isn’t anything that I have done or said, it is what I know. So go ahead and hate me, your hatred of me has absolutely no baring on my life. The only thing you have done is give me something to laugh at.
I think you can just have laughed it off. From my experience as an ASL tutor, I notice a few types of people. There are people who take a lot of time and energy to learn signs and their signing shows it. Then you have some people who have low self esteem and confidence who keeps saying "I dont know!" and can't think up of stories or whatever. They are too afraid to sign in front of others. I have been frank with some of the students before and will continue to be. We have some students taking the same lab three semesters in a row because of some kind of attitude that inhibits their learning for whatever reason. They would rather hate someone or think someone is wrong than just to accept it and move on. Keep your good work up and these students will have a hard journey ahead of them.
Yeah this person seems to be the type. I undy being nervous and self-conscious. About 4 months ago my friends took me to this big Deaf party, 70 deafies and me, the hearing guy. I had just finished learning the bulk of the signs I know and I was so nervous. I wouldn’t be now because my signing is much improved. Last night we had to stand in front of the class and sign a presentation about our families. Some people froze up. One woman was painful to watch. But you could see the ones who really studied and tried and the ones who didn’t. To get to the level I am I studied every night for 2 hours. I learned 1,000 signs in 7 weeks with college that amount of signs takes nearly 2 years. I did it because I had Deaf friends that I wanted to communicate with. If some of these people had that maybe their desire would be better. But some are just taking it to take a class and it shows.
Don't worry about those girls, they're just jealous freaks, I would have done the same as you, laugh it off. You should be very proud of yourself that you're far ahead of them when it comes to signs. They should just stop whining, practice more then they can learn the same amount of signs as you. ;)
Oh please don’t think by this thread that it worries me or bothers me. I totally think it is funny! And the girl who hates me, missed the first class had to leave early the second and was late to the 3rd…… um you aren’t going to learn anything like that. I am not a jealous person I can never undy why people have those emotions and I can only think that is the problem here. But there is no reason to be that way. Oh well it is her loss she has an attitude that impedes her learning.
Maybe she was saying it in jest?
no unfortunately her tone of voice showed she was not joking around. Also she said it under her breath so i wouldn't hear her, but i did.
What do you mean, in sign language oral, or AD period? It happened at my ASL class. It was a toss up between this one and the interpreter one both seemed fine. I can come into this one at work, the other i can't so i chose this one.
As far as the other, eh cause i wanted to. =)
I'm not saying you act this way (since I obviously wouldn't know,) but there's a lady in my ASL class that I don't like because she's one of those "anything to one-up you" kind of people. First day of class. Now, almost all of us already knew at least some sign, but this woman felt the need to sign and voice simultaneously to show us just how fluent she really was, and she came to class and immediately started correcting people. Grr. I always avoid her because I feel like she's criticizing my signs in her head.

Sounds like you haven't been a buttmonkey like my classmate has. Ask the girls if they wanna trade classmates...I'll take you over mine any day! =D
LoL Southern!! I would have laughed & said "I heard that" LoL:lol:

I had my ASL class today and the students have various levels of knowledge. It happens that i have a very far head start on the class. We went out on break and i was smoking a cigarette and these two girls who are obviously friends were standing a little ways a way from me. This other woman comes out and asks me what a sign means. I told her and she walked away. One of the two girls standing away from me said quietly, "i hate that guy". I guess she thought i couldn't hear her because of the distance. I laughed to myself. Why hate me? Because i know a lot of signs? Because i can communicate on a level you can't yet? If i was in highschool that probably would have bothered me. It just made me laugh. WOW some people!! LOL:giggle: :giggle:
Lol I doubt it's best to confront people in these situations, it just makes you look like an ass and makes the said person dislike you even more. Who cares what others think. Although I'm tempted to agree with wild, it certianly is amusing to say "I heard you" then give a smug grin looking off into a distance.
I pity the poor fool who thinks that one-ups is a good thing or hating ppl because the are better skilled (but not pompous about it) makes you look better.

Though I do get a kick out of it when I've purposely talked to someone who does "one-up" just to get a good game of it going (I just wanna see how far they will go).