Yo Whats Going On?


New Member
Jul 22, 2010
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Just found out this site by browsing the internet so ill tell you a little about myself.. My name is Josh and i am from PA and i am 24 years old and im hard of hearing and i been like this since i was born. My hearing loss is 60% on the right ear and 30% on the left ear. I only wear one hearing aid because i cant really hear well with my other ear so i dont bother wearing it. I been wearing hearing aids my whole life and im not bitter about my problem because im not afraid to show my feeling. I can speak pretty well from what people say and i can understand people who talk to me but i read lip most of the time. I do not sign tho.

Well what else can i say here? Im a very outgoing person i can be shy at first when i meet you but im very characteristic and make you laugh. I love to lift weights in my spare time and play football or basketball with my friends. Well thats all im going to say and ill try my best to be active here and hopefully communicate with you people and make some good friends here.
Hi. Hoping you will enjoy yourself here and make lots of friends. :)
:wave: Welcome....and keep lifting weights!...My 3 boys work out 3x a week...they're fit and strong!
:welcome: to AD! From a neighbor. :)
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I do hope you can stick around here. Enjoy reading and posting all the threads while discussing or debating. See you around here. :wave: