Yahoo! messenger

Perhaps you could use Trillian. It let you use AIM, YM, ICQ, IRC, and MSN via single program. It could load up the friends list from Yahoo! with username account. It's free.

Cerulean Studios: Creators of Trillian and Trillian Pro Instant Messengers

I use it to save hard drive space and dont eat up much CPU speed.

I heard Trillian isn't good because of virus. I don't know how many members here have use it without problem?
Did use this link to DL YM and still not working... So, fk it...

Oh no ... really ... Bummer ... there should have an error the reason it hasn't download somehow. How old is your computer? Do you have enough memory in your system? I don't know what more can I help you. I hope someone else can help you. I'm so sorry.
Oh no ... really ... Bummer ... there should have an error the reason it hasn't download somehow. How old is your computer? Do you have enough memory in your system? I don't know what more can I help you. I hope someone else can help you. I'm so sorry.

My laptop is like 3 yrs old and still good, idk whats wrong, so I will try find someone else to help me out...
I heard Trillian isn't good because of virus. I don't know how many members here have use it without problem?

Virus? Where you heard of it involved with Trillian? Sources?

I googled for Trillian viruses and I came up with reports said only priated Trillian (Free or Pro) programs downloaded from p2p were infected with viruses.
I dont use p2p to dl the programs, just from official websites only.
Another security hole in any IM is users themselves. How? User accept a file from the friend (or so-called friend happens to be hacker) and open it... viola! Virus jump in and attack the computer. Best defend against is having IM use antivirus program to scanning any files.

Trillian could use antivirus program. Settings is in File Transfer, under the Trillian preferences by access the Files from Menu.
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Virus? Where you heard of it involved with Trillian? Sources?

I googled for Trillian viruses and I came up with reports said only priated Trillian (Free or Pro) programs downloaded from p2p were infected with viruses.
I dont use p2p to dl the programs, just from official websites only.
Another security hole in any IM is users themselves. How? User accept a file from the friend (or so-called friend happens to be hacker) and open it... viola! Virus jump in and attack the computer. Best defend against is having IM use antivirus program to scanning any files.

Trillian could use antivirus program. Settings is in File Transfer, under the Trillian preferences by access the Files from Menu.

Oh okay ... well it was happened few years ago. NP ... Thanks for response.