Xbox 360 gamertags list

My tag has been modified to better represent my XDG group. My tag is now.... XDG Deaf Smith, as shown in my Gamercard in my sig. I am nearly full so, I do a lot of trimming with my Friend's list.
Alldeaf memeber = Gamertag

DefMATRIXense = TrE Terminator
Potman = Faiber
Fragmenter = DigitalDevourer
Dragon_Shadow = CRAZY TURBO
Dojosky3 = Dojosky360
Sjones4dad = Fast Pure Zero
Sylentman = Sylentman
sjka = unseendeaf guy and nightstalker
nascarzing = daddyzing31
chadley = Hemi Warrior and Yellowtiko98
sablescort = sablescort
Steel X = Freakysteel

Please post here if you have new gametag. Do not post anything that not RELATES to this thread. Don't even come here and say, ok no problem or anything to say except stick to GAMERTAG topic. You may post here if one of those gamertag is invaild and want to address this issue, that's fine.

Hey i have change my gametag... so two of tag has change... unseendeaf guy change to xxHaloWar07xx and Nigthstalker change to XDG NSTALKER TK if u please change it for me thank u..
Alldeaf doesn't allow edit after 5 mins, so that is a barrier, and the list is OUTDATED... I should post my Current FL like I did at XDG forums...

This is my 'Master List' of who is deaf and on my FL.





Deaf O



DJKim0701 *I met DJ in PGR3)



Gotcha Ya

Hemi Warrior

l NO F34R l

ll Madd Brad ll

Jack Bauer X






WILAS Sourd - * Loves UNO, is a Swiss(?) deaf 360 player. I Webcam chatted with him, he knows enough ASL to carry a conversation. Very pleasant guy, is an artist. Asked me for everyone's GT, so I encourage everyone to send WILAS Sourd a FR. I am certain he will appireciate it.

X Deaf Monkey X

Freaky Steel


Sablescort *Currently is out of a 360, but enojying a PS3, and should be back on XBL someday*

XDG Deaf Venom *Formerly Spider4065*

XDG Deafil

XDG Devourer *Formerly DigitalDevourer*

XDG Mujitsu Deaf *Formerly InnocentDeaf*

XDG Sniper

XDG Stotlz *Formerly SGT Stoltz*

XDG Deaf Smith

If you send any of these people a FR, be courteous and send a message first explaining that you are deaf. I have to ask if people are deaf when they send me a FR, because I prefer to have deaf people on my FL.
My new gametag GalaxyAnglez
Pls addy me..
Bear w/me I'm awkward user xbox360 but doesn't have tons of games list.. only I have underground cdrom free game on line..
One day, I will buy new xbox 360 cd rom games.. and will let you know.. :)
WILAS Sourds is Swiss. We chatted long time ago. We tried to chat on webcam but it did not get through.

Sourds means deaf.

I knew french language. Not everything. Just basic.
My new gametag GalaxyAngelz
Pls addy me..
Bear w/me I'm awkward user xbox360 but doesn't have tons of games list.. only I have underground cdrom free game on line..
One day, I will buy new xbox 360 cd rom games.. and will let you know.. :)

GalaxyAnglez <--- mistake sp..
GalaxyAngelz<---Correct sn

My hubby's sn Equix68
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*Master List of XBOX Deaf Gamertags*

-Crazy Turbo
-Hemi Warrior
-Da Deadpool
-Darth Chuchin
-Deaf O
-Gotcha Ya
- I NO F34R I
- II MADD BRAD II or XDG Headshots
-Jack Bauer X
-James E17
-Wilas Sourd
-X Deaf Monkey X
-XDG Deaf Venom
-XDG Deafil
-XDG Devourer
-XDG Mujitsu Deaf
-XDG Sniper
-XDG Stoltz
-XDG Deaf Smith
-XDG NStalker TK
-DeafSeba (FL is full, i sent him a message about it...)
-Fantantsic Alf

This is a commnunity service by me to the deaf 360 community. there are 50 GT's listed in this post, but not all of them are on my FL. Data was gathered from Xtreme Deaf Gamers, Deaf Gamers,, and Deaf Sports Gamers/ Deaf Sports Leagues.
*Master List of XBOX Deaf Gamertags*

-Crazy Turbo
-Hemi Warrior
-Da Deadpool
-Darth Chuchin
-Deaf O
-Gotcha Ya
- I NO F34R I
- II MADD BRAD II or XDG Headshots
-Jack Bauer X
-James E17
-Wilas Sourd
-X Deaf Monkey X
-XDG Deaf Venom
-XDG Deafil
-XDG Devourer
-XDG Mujitsu Deaf
-XDG Sniper
-XDG Stoltz
-XDG Deaf Smith
-XDG NStalker TK
-DeafSeba (FL is full, i sent him a message about it...)
-Fantantsic Alf

This is a commnunity service by me to the deaf 360 community. there are 50 GT's listed in this post, but not all of them are on my FL. Data was gathered from Xtreme Deaf Gamers, Deaf Gamers,, and Deaf Sports Gamers/ Deaf Sports Leagues.

I got complaints from this. Deafsmith, you should have ask others for their permission for post this.

It is same thing as DeafVP.

You still need to update gamertags from your group. Darth Churchin to XDG terminator, etc.
I was daddyzing31 but no longer use that ID and I know it still in xbox live system. Yall can remove my id tag. I did removed Deafluckyirsh tag off because I didnt know it was my friend since he changed his id name. I only knew him as Fast Pure Zero and saw that name gone from my list and thought he removed me and now I realized he changed to deafluckyirsish lol.
I got complaints from this. Deafsmith, you should have ask others for their permission for post this.

It is same thing as DeafVP.

You still need to update gamertags from your group. Darth Churchin to XDG terminator, etc.
I see. I was merely trying to help deaf gamers to meet other deaf gamers. Is that so wrong? I understand if your friends on your site prefer to be secluded. I am not sure what you mean with DeafVP. XBOX Live is just video games.

BTW, your sig advertisment is nice... but WAY too big.
Add me! I want to have a deaf clan. Please send me your clan invitations. Look forward to play with you guys!
I'll send you a FR. Check out the forum in my sig for XDG, Xtreme Deaf Gamers. It is a clan and community for Deaf Gamers.
I let yall know I might have to pay xbox live for DaddyZiNg31 which they forced me to pay for another year membership. So if I pay off to collection agency and xbox unsuspend me then I will have to use DaddyZiNg31 because it will be only 8 months under Gold membership. I will let yall know as soon I find out if my account will be unsuspended.
Hey guys! I'm new here, I'm actually a huge gamer and it's so nice to finally find other deaf gamers. Just look at my signature below and invite me! See y'all on the other side of my crosshair :)
DGO Player 1

A new GT created for networking at This is enabled by the new update to Xboxlive which allows users to view friends of friends's lists, hence the networking hub GT of ' DGO Player 1'. There probably will be more like DGO Player 2, DGO UK, etc. I personally have sent FR to 95 people in 1 hour after creating DGO Player 1.
DGO Network 2 , Network 1 has been filled to capacity. Send a FR to Network 2 to meet more deaf gamers on XBL! Network 1 and 2 are linked.