Would you rather date...

I'm HoH with progressive hearing loss... I'm sort of in between worlds. I've really only ever been around hearing people, so in a lot of ways I think I'd relate better to a hearing person, but I also really want to learn more about the Deaf world and would love to meet someone who understands why I have to ask people to repeat themselves so much and doesn't think I'm weird for needing an alarm clock that shakes the bed :)

My boyfriend, who is hearing, is pretty understanding though. My one complaint is that I'm learning ASL and he doesn't seem to have much interest in learning it with me. Still, it's nice when I leave my phone in the other room (not in my pocket on vibrate) and he can tell me that it's ringing!
I've dated deaf, HoH and hearing women and each woman is different regardless of their type of hearing. I am HoH and I agree with the other posters who state we don't really fit into either group. However, each relationship is different, requires hard work and can work out if you are willing to do the work.
I would never say I chose to date a deaf guy but I met him one day and that was that. I was naive and came to this website asking how to initiate with him, etc. But that was then and this is now. We've been together for 2 years. I can't even imagine how it used to be when I dated hearing guys.
Honestly, you know why I was so fascinated? Because before I knew how to communicate with him, he was whoever I wanted him to be. He was this magical perfect person. Who had the patience of a saint to put up with me learning how to sign. And who was so very blunt and honest. Who always paid attention to me when I had something to say. And so so funny. He could make me laugh like no other. There was no initial awkwardness. Learning how to communicate with each other took care of that. I was so concerned with how to ask a question that how to phrase it became insignificant.
Altogether, very odd reasons for a relationship. It's been two years and I am still finding out things about him that it would have taken 6 months to find out in a hearing relationship. It's a little more difficult because my boyfriend doesn't read or write. Never uses the internet. It took me a year to convince him to learn how to text message. But I love him nonetheless. All in all, I don't think being deaf or hearing should be deal-breakers if you feel a connection with someone.

This doesn't sound like a very balanced relationship. I am seeing some serious signs of co-dependent behaviors. :hmm:
Personally I would rather date someone I could communicate with on a peer-to-peer level. In my previous relationship, I was the smarter one... In my current relationship I starting to think i'm not the smarter one. :lol:

I really would not want to be in a situation where I could not understand my SO and having a hard time communicating. I would require my SO learn ASL. Not to interpret for me (I can take care of myself), but so I don't have to work so hard when I just want to go voice off for a day.