Would you be interested in a Cooking Show with an Asl Interpreter?


New Member
Jul 9, 2006
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I am posting this here because I need feedback---not to sell anything here. I teach vegan cooking (no animal products) and I have a cookbook hitting the stands in Sept. 2007. We're developing a video series where I would teach my dishes (similar style to a cooking show on Food Network).

I'm hearing and my signing isn't terrific, and since I'll be chopping, stirring, etc., I don't know how great my signing would be even if my hands weren't so busy. I took 12 levels of ASL years ago, but since I don't live with anyone deaf, it rarely gets used. I will probably go back and try to update it.

I only mention this because I'm the only person I know who went into ASL and gravitated to the deaf community purely out of interest, as opposed to having a deaf friend, relative or students to learn it for. I've really enjoyed meeting most of the deaf people I now know, so since I am doing these videos, I'm wondering if you or people you know might be interested in such a thing. And if you are, what would you like to see in them? (For example: A couple of people trying the food and signing about it.)

My thought is that I would be talking and trying to sign the odd word when possible, but I would have an interpreter to sign everything in detail as I prepare everything. At the end, one or more people would try the food and sign about it and there might be some banter between me and the people when my hands are free.

Please give me any feedback you have about this. I am happy to hear the negative as well, because if I do this, I want it to be a quality product and I want to know what my potential customer base will be interested in. For example, if you think it's dumb that I sign at all if my signing isn't great, I'd like to know that. Or especially other things like that, that I might not know you are for or against.

Do any of you know of any other cooking shows with ASL? I've heard of some that are training videos but none that are actually intended as cooking shows.

Thanks so much! I will seriously consider all your comments and I do appreciate your time.
Of course, I would be very interested in a cooking show with an ASL interpreter! Vegan cooking??? I'd be interested in that and hope it would be a health benefit in my diet.
Yes, I am interested in a vegetarian cooking, too. I am a vegetarian for almost a year for a health reason. I have tried to consume lots of diverse vegertarian foods. I have enjoyed being a vegetarian. I feel more energetic and healthy. Looking forward to seeing that show with ASL.
I think another member started a thread about a cooking show in ASL..from Kalista? ASL cooking or something like that...lemme find it and I will provide u the link so u can watch it and get ideas.

That would be nice to have the cook to sign themselves rather than having an ASL terp but if the cook's signing skill is not proficient enough then yea, a terp would be fine. Most of the cooking shows shown on TV are captioned so I guess I am used to that way.
As a deafblind person without a tv it would be no use to me. However, as a vegan myself, I think it's a great idea. I wish you the best of luck. :fingersx:
All the cooking shows are CC and Im in my comfort zone. I do watch the cooking channel often.
These replies are most helpful---thanks. In the end, if enough people are interested, I'll pursue it. Otherwise, I'll just proceed with my regular cooking show and do the CC thing if that satisfies everyone.

Of course, there may be a market for the dvds and then those who are interested will buy them or take them out of the library.
Sounds like a fun show. I'm sure you have Emeril's, "Bam" sign down pat! Hahahah.....best wishes to you.
Gluten Free?

I am hearing and wonder if there are any Deaf people here who
are Gluten intolerant? My whole family is and I have a really good
biscut and scones recipie I could share.