Would like your prayers


Love Makes the World Go Round
Premium Member
Sep 7, 2006
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I am not religous or anything but I am creating this thread on behalf of my brother's girlfriend. She will be needing prayers because she will have brain surgery in two weeks to remove a tumor that is making her vision deteriorate.

My brother is really stressing out, worrying about her and we are really nervous too.

She is very religious so I dont know how it works. Can you send some thoughts and prayers for her surgery to be a success and speedy recovery?


I'm not sure how prayer works. I think it's more or less thoughts and intentions. So I will send my good thoughts/intentions/prayers.
Whoa! I hope the surgery will save her remaining vision, and that she pulls thru without side effects, permanent or not.
Wirelessly posted

Shel90, absolutely, will pray for her.
Wow! Yes definitely. Your brother's gf will be in my thoughts. I'm not a religious person so I can't really say a prayer but I'll be crossing my fingers and thinking about her. She's a really nice woman from when I met her at Ozios so I really hope the surgery goes well.
She'll be in my thoughts! Nothing but the best for her and your brother, and everyone close to them.
This is how prayer works: Prayer is a believer communicating to God one's needs and praises. God answers those prayers either immediate yes, immediate no, wait, or differently than requested, depending on what is best for that individual's situation.

I will pray that your brother and his girlfriend will have peace of heart about the upcoming surgery, that God will guide the surgeon's hands, that the surgery will go well without complications, and that the girlfriend will have a full and speedy recovery.

Brain surgery is serious but I personally know a couple people who had tumors removed from their brains, and they're doing very well now. One has even gone back to being a commercial pilot. There have been many advancements in the procedures in recent years, so it's less risky, and with better results now. Just the fact that the girlfriend's tumor is operable is a good sign.
May she have a good outcome from surgury with all of the tumor removed to never return. All the best!
Thought and prayers for both your brother's girlfriend and all family members for strength, healing and peace. Have added them to the prayer list we have going.
Thanks everyone...at my brother's graduation, we finally had time alone so I asked her questions about it..she will have the surgery on June 3rd. They will do it through her nose. Damn...hope it is successful. I will keep you all posted..probably not until after June 5th or so...
