Worried about marriage


Active Member
Apr 11, 2011
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It's a big step. What if I married my girlfriend in the future? I worry because:

1. I like to feed my dog hamburger. When we get a place together, she'll want a dog. She probably won't let me feed her dog hamburger. Her dog will be sad and left out about not getting hamburger.

2. My girlfriend refuses to teach her cat ASL. She said that her cat doesn't know English, but I've caught her speaking English to her cat. Would either my girlfriend or I be able to communicate with cat and tell the cat that ASL is the language in the house?
It's the best thing for you to discuss with your girlfriend since you and her are in together. We all don't see there what is going on over there. yes marriage is a big step but only if you accept who she is and she accept who you are. Like My hub and i are sort of opposite but we accepted for each other and respect his ways and he respects my ways. It isn't easy but always work out and make compromises all the time. So it is important for you both who really cares for each other then you both will work things out. If one of you who cant accept for sure then one of you need to consider real hard if it's worth to get married in the first place. Good luck.
You seem to be saying that on all things that matter to you , you are incompatible. If you already see major issues coming between you, it may be the wrong match for you.
Clearly your girlfriend already has some sort of communication with the cat but, once you live together, there is no reason you cannot communicate with the cat using ASL. If the cat is smart enough to understand the girlfriend, I would think it would also pick up communication from you as well in time. As for the dog and hamburger scenario ... plan to have a treat on hand that the other dog enjoys so that when one dog gets hamburger the other one gets it's own treat. Marriage is about compromise and setting priorities.

That said, are these serious worries about marrying this woman? What the dogs eat and communicating with a cat? Or are you looking for reasons not to move on in this relationship?

I think you need to do a whole lot more talking to her about things that concern you and a whole lot of listening too.
Anyone who knows me knows that I like to talk about cats and dogs. I'm being weird here, ya know.
It's a big step. What if I married my girlfriend in the future? I worry because:

1. I like to feed my dog hamburger. When we get a place together, she'll want a dog. She probably won't let me feed her dog hamburger. Her dog will be sad and left out about not getting hamburger.

2. My girlfriend refuses to teach her cat ASL. She said that her cat doesn't know English, but I've caught her speaking English to her cat. Would either my girlfriend or I be able to communicate with cat and tell the cat that ASL is the language in the house?

Maybe you should move on from the relationship? If her interactions with her cat and dog causes you this much concern, imagine how you'll handle the really big issues.....

I think you were just being humorous here, right?

Or were these serious questions?
Wirelessly posted

If she doesn't want to teach the cat ASL then you need to get rid of her. I can't imagine a cat that isn't bilingual
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Yes, I was being funny :).

Thank God....:D Marriage is a big step, you have to be compatible. Do you love her? Does she make you happy? Can you live without her? Do you still want to play the field? If you're certain it's her, then know that nothing worth having or achieving in life, comes without risk. Only you can make this decision.

Thank God....:D Marriage is a big step, you have to be compatible. Do you love her? Does she make you happy? Can you live without her? Do you still want to play the field? If you're certain it's her, then know that nothing worth having or achieving in life, comes without risk. Only you can make this decision.


Right. I have discussed it with her and will continue to do so.
what you need is a woman who loves animals too
or its be quite a tasteless marriage...
Why is this not under funny jokes and stories, it's freaking hilarious.

Derek, go with the marriage. Trust me, people have a lot more secrets than sneaking hamburgers to dogs. You'll be fine.
Wirelessly posted

If she doesn't want to teach the cat ASL then you need to get rid of her. I can't imagine a cat that isn't bilingual

For some reason, I think this is hilarious!
I think you can teach the cat basic receptive skills. But expressive ASL is very difficult for cats. Even worse is trying to find a good interpreter.
You could try Sylvia's School for Feline interpretation. They only teach their students two phrases:

Hurry up with my dinner, and

Everything here is mine.
one of you take one of the bikes and peddal opposite directions
Well, I get worried that I may get divorce because my Great Dane Obie will not repect my wife. Obie only know Dutch language and anytime when Obie sat in front of sliding glass door, and when she opened it to let him in. He didn't move. So, she called him to come in and he wouldn't budge a bit. She doesn't want to deal with this over 160 lbs dog. Obie just stare at her straight like a vulgar. She looked at me pissed, "CAN YOU TEACH HIM ENGLISH!!" So, I look at Obie.... then I said.."Obie, komen!" He was happy to come in and she slammed the door shut hard.

Will that get me into divorce??? <grin>
I have a feeling that most animals are following sign commands anyway.
Just the other day, I saw a big dog at petco, doing whatever it wanted no matter how many verbal commands the owners shouted at the dog.
But the dog followed all the the commands the owners made with their hands, as long as the dog saw them being made.

It may also be that owners are more consistent with signed commands than they are with voice commands, because with voiced commands, the owners want to treat the commands like common English words as if the dog can understand English...