WORLD WAR III Is Just Around the corner

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From 'Made In China' to 'Made in Afganistan' or 'Made in Iraq'

A trade embargo would be the best answer to the China invasion of Taiwan.

We can train the Afganistans and the Iraqis to produce the millions of things and trinkets that say "Made In China" that fill up the US markets.

There's plenty of venture capitalists and investers to make this possible.

Nesmuth said:
A trade embargo would be the best answer to the China invasion of Taiwan.

We can train the Afganistans and the Iraqis to produce the millions of things and trinkets that say "Made In China" that fill up the US markets.

There's plenty of venture capitalists and investers to make this possible.

Another Trade embargo, like the one we used to force Japan into WWII?
Tsk tsk. Anyway, what makes you think this war isn't about money? We are spending 50 BILLION a month to bring in 150 million Iraq oil. It is a global economic war, and our dollar is dead. It is being replaced by the Euro and Petrodollar and there is a panic.
China is already a Superpower.
Deal with it.
And so is Russia, and don't forget that it has the most oil, and it is aligned with China in case of further American invasions of other countires like Iraq.
Things are changing, all right.
Boo hoo.
Blame Jimmy Carter for boycotting the 1980 olympics. It didnt hurt the russians a bit it wound up hurting ourselves. If Jimmy carter never boycotted the moscow olympic games 9-11 would never happend cause bin laden would been under soviet authority. And we rather buy oil from the russians than from opec. So this is another gilligan mistake the democrats have done.
Reven dont fucking use the Olymics against 9/11 and the Bin Ladens you moron.

And everysingle one of you in this thread are ignorant about today's standards, There is already a World War III, there are so many conflicts that are happening and that has happened from the last 10 years with the imperialistic American army. What you should be worried about is an Nuclear War.
ravensteve1961 said:
Blame Jimmy Carter for boycotting the 1980 olympics. It didnt hurt the russians a bit it wound up hurting ourselves. If Jimmy carter never boycotted the moscow olympic games 9-11 would never happend cause bin laden would been under soviet authority. And we rather buy oil from the russians than from opec. So this is another gilligan mistake the democrats have done.
What does Jimmy Carter, 1980 Olympics, Russians, and Gilligan have to do with 9-11? That's the worse non-sense accusation I've heard out of you.
VamPyroX said:
What does Jimmy Carter, 1980 Olympics, Russians, and Gilligan have to do with 9-11? That's the worse non-sense accusation I've heard out of you.
I believe he soon will tell us that Sith (Dark Jedi) does have to do with 9/11.
Nusentinsaino said:
Reven dont fucking use the Olymics against 9/11 and the Bin Ladens you moron.

And everysingle one of you in this thread are ignorant about today's standards, There is already a World War III, there are so many conflicts that are happening and that has happened from the last 10 years with the imperialistic American army. What you should be worried about is an Nuclear War.
Nusentinsaino, ahh you beat me already.. slap! haha.. so anyway your saying is truth about that there is already WW III upon earth.. But WW IV coming soon as not just war on israel or middle east.. but war will be spread everywhere included usa, like kingdom rise aginst another knigdom as califorina will be war against oregn, or State rise up against another state.. various race wars, different religion wars, go on and out... People tell you that don't think that would happen to our country of US states after twin towers had colliasped into ground by airplines blew up.
What we should be worried about is the War Of Armageddon ( which i consider another name for world war 3 ).

China is already prepared to initiate military action against anybody who goes against their domestic or foreign policy. Russia & China has surpassed the United States in Military might and Advanced Weapons.

China owns a huge chunk of our national debt. China has a standing army of over 200,000,000 men who are well trained martial artists with a die-hard vengeance.

The last great war is coming. We are on the cusp of the downward spiral as a nation and as a people.

The majority of Chinese, and eastern folk are muslim! A majority of Muslims HATE Americans!

First, there will be a conflict in the white house...... Then we will be forced to submit to european economic rule due to our economy. Europe will force us to use their money standard, the global economy is booming, and when the day comes, the antichrist will make us all bow down and worship him.

After that, the antichrist will move against the kings of the east (china & russia, etc) and the final battle will begin....

However, i'm faithful that the good lord jesus will drop in, pull his true people out before the shit hits the fan, and then leave the rest of ( us/them?? ) here to pay for our sins.

Once it's all settled down, the new kingdom of heaven will rule on this earth.

Have no fear.... We come into this world with nothing, and we leave with nothing.

Personally... I"m ready for it.... Living in Alaska gives you a better chance for escape because we have massive amounts of raw untouched wilderness to hide out in, should we need to ( and we will ). Plus, we can live off the land, and are not dependant on the commerce and economic system that so many united states citizens are dependant on.

Really want a chance??? MOVE TO ALASKA WHILE YOU STILL CAN !

^^if your religious you might beleive that, but im not, so i beg to differ

jesus is not coming back to earth.
signingiseasy said:
Personally... I"m ready for it.... Living in Alaska gives you a better chance for escape because we have massive amounts of raw untouched wilderness to hide out in, should we need to ( and we will ). Plus, we can live off the land, and are not dependant on the commerce and economic system that so many united states citizens are dependant on.
Bush and his cronies plan to drill in Alaska for oil, it will destroy many, many and many acres of 'raw' untouched wilderness. No thanks to them.
Just say for the sake of arguement.Supposed Jimmy Carter turned other cheek and said nothing and did nothing about soviets invading afgainstan? Supposed he done that. And No US weapons would giving to afgain people. The soviets would had sucessfuly invaded afgainstan. US would still play in the olympic games in 1980.And then bin laden would ether been dead by the KGB killing him or been in a soviet prison and then 9-11 wouldnt happen plus al qudea would never excist. Then OPEC would have been in competition against the soviet union and then we might had cheap oil prices today.Be now because what he done were never know.
ravensteve1961 said:
Just say for the sake of arguement.Supposed Jimmy Carter turned other cheek and said nothing and did nothing about soviets invading afgainstan? Supposed he done that. And No US weapons would giving to afgain people. The soviets would had sucessfuly invaded afgainstan. US would still play in the olympic games in 1980.And then bin laden would ether been dead by the KGB killing him or been in a soviet prison and then 9-11 wouldnt happen plus al qudea would never excist. Then OPEC would have been in competition against the soviet union and then we might had cheap oil prices today.Be now because what he done were never know.
Wow... where did you come up with that prediction?
ravensteve1961 said:
Just say for the sake of arguement.Supposed Jimmy Carter turned other cheek and said nothing and did nothing about soviets invading afgainstan? Supposed he done that. And No US weapons would giving to afgain people. The soviets would had sucessfuly invaded afgainstan. US would still play in the olympic games in 1980.And then bin laden would ether been dead by the KGB killing him or been in a soviet prison and then 9-11 wouldnt happen plus al qudea would never excist. Then OPEC would have been in competition against the soviet union and then we might had cheap oil prices today.Be now because what he done were never know.

Dont discombobulate me.
Cause i know. Look at past american history,,,Everything was fine and peaceful untill president wilson took power in 1920.
Everything was not fine and peaceful before 1920... please read some history books... Dont forget the revonlutary war, French Indian War, Peaceful? We were full of prejudicey against the Native Americans, slaughtering them and all... There has been arcocities and horrible things that has happened in america for hundreds and hundreds of years. You are ignorant, and thats what scares me.
ravensteve1961 said:
Blame Jimmy Carter for boycotting the 1980 olympics. It didnt hurt the russians a bit it wound up hurting ourselves. If Jimmy carter never boycotted the moscow olympic games 9-11 would never happend cause bin laden would been under soviet authority. And we rather buy oil from the russians than from opec. So this is another gilligan mistake the democrats have done.

ummmmm what medicine are you under with those prediction anyway?? :crazy:

Actually, this is not quite true. Soviet did not win for several years until US sent our army to afghanistan. It is an interesting issue that we could buy oil from Russia instead of Arab, but I don't think that will work.

Jimmy was a very good president. In his era, they did not have cell phones, computer network onlines, etc in these days. Clinton admitted that the US agents should have caught Bin in the first place, but it was not his fault because there was a lack of communication between CIA and other agencies. I just cannot believe that George approved to sell our F-16s to Patskan because of India, and it was embarrassed for us to see the conflict relationship. Clinton was also approved to sell some jets to a few foregin countries when he was the president. It looks a suicide political for both parties. Sigh.


Do you mean that the WW III means for "Armaggadon" ? If, so -- I believe there's goin' to be a HUGE war ( nuclear ). I would say about 85 % Russian armies includin' other foreigners (Arabia nations/China ) who joined Russian armies will die. Contamination ( poison ) will expose among the corpses. It will take about 7 months to bury them.
Yes, i am strongly convinced that there will be an Nuclear War anytime sooner or later in my lifetime. Its sad because America has the most Nuclear Warfare than any other nation in the world, and we are capbable of destroying the world.

A quote by the Inventor of the Atom Bomb, "I am become death, the destroyer of the worlds"
Yeah...there will be WWIII anytime from today to next 10 years...don't be surprise yourself.....

There is alot of will coming impact here USA..which will whip out, but there will be 1/4 million people will be surival on the earth...other people will be dead or whatever.....

The Antichrist will be powerful and raise anytime in the EU which is Europe.

Rejoice in Him;

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