World Record Beaten for Zelda: LttP


Premium Member
Mar 12, 2003
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The SNES masterpiece has been completed in less than two hours.

According to Twin Galaxies, the world record officiating organization for gaming, someone has beaten The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past in under two hours. Michael Damiani blazed through the rather lengthy adventure in just 1:57.15 on April 9, 2003. The previous record was 2:07.10, and some Zelda experts thought it was impossible to break the two-hour mark.

Under Twin Galaxies rules, the clock starts ticking as soon as you press start on the title screen. You must start a new file and beat the game without dying (fairy revivals are allowed). The clock stops when the final silver arrow is dealt to Ganon. Glitches that allow you to skip portions of the game are prohibited. Here is Damiani's timeline, just to put things in perspective:

0:03.20 - reaches Zelda
0:06.57 - exits Hyrule Castle
0:12:24 - obtains Pendant of Courage
0:20.55 - obtains Pendant of Power
0:27.36 - obtains Pendant of Wisdom
0:29.14 - uses Pendants to obtain Master Sword
0:35.44 - appears on top of Golden Pyramid
0:46.57 - obtains 1st Maiden Gem
1:00.09 - obtains 2nd Maiden Gem
1:08.00 - obtains 3rd Maiden Gem
1:16.07 - obtains 4th Maiden Gem
1:25.08 - obtains 5th Maiden Gem
1:32.40 - obtains 6th Maiden Gem
1:34.35 - purchases "Big Bomb"
1:45.28 - obtains 7th and final Maiden Gem
1:47.04 - sets foot into Ganon's Castle
1:57.15 - delivers final blow via Silver Arrow to Ganon

Along with this remarkable achievement, Damiani also holds the world record time for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, with 6:45.17. He eventually wants to hold the records for the entire Zelda series.
damn it i beat that game under 3 hours... my brother beat it under 4 hours.. there is no way we can beat under 2 hours lol...

i remeber my brother beat Super metroid under 1 hour and 12 mins loli sthat a world record or someone beat my brother's time?
I can't do that. I can't remmy everything.