World of Warcraft


New Member
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
Anyone play this?

I used to. I had a lvl 60 dwarf priest, I've killed Onyxia, beaten Molten Core but haven't killed Rag.

I have few other alts but none of them reached end game yet.

I stopped playing because WoW stole most of my life. But it was fun while it lasted. :P
WhoooMan. said:
Anyone play this?

I used to. I had a lvl 60 dwarf priest, I've killed Onyxia, beaten Molten Core but haven't killed Rag.

I have few other alts but none of them reached end game yet.

I stopped playing because WoW stole most of my life. But it was fun while it lasted. :P
ROXY BURG! ha.. I actually never play this before.. is it from pc game or what the specific?
Yup, it's a MMORPG game for PC... the bad thing about it is that you have to pay $15 monthly to play online. Otherwise it's a awesome game! :thumb:
I don't like it, because i suck. Lol, I still play with CS. :thumb:
I have a friend who is so damn addicted to that game. He practically talks WoW lingo! Argh! I come over to see him and he says, "Hold." Why? He's waiting for someone to buy a staff from him for 2,000 credits. Oh, come on... he's been doing that for the last few hours. A few minutes to say, 'hi' to me isn't going to hurt. :(