Word games in sign language... help?


New Member
Dec 12, 2014
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Hey there!

I'm a hearie working as an assistant teacher (training to be a full time teacher) at a deaf school in Mexico. At the level in which I'm currently assisting, we teach the kids a lot of games in order to exercise critical thought. Last week we played charades, and I would love to teach them CatchPhrase or Taboo, but my experience with charades told me that there are some gameplay factors I don't take into consideration as a hearing person. Things like where to draw the line between gesture and sign (trust me, the line is very fine between pretending to waft heat toward you and actually signing "fuego" in LSM). Any ideas for rules that could help regulate that somehow? Or other things I need to consider before laying down guidelines for the kids?

Also, if you have any ideas for other fun games that enhance vocabulary (read and written) while utilizing sign primarily, or that increase critical thought in general, I would love to hear them! The class consists of nine kids between junior high and high school ages, most of them fluent in social LSM and operating at about a third grade level in formal (educational) LSM, social Spanish, and formal Spanish.

Thanks for your time! :)