WOMEN VS MEN (negivate thingy) *no war*

wow good thread...maybe i'll join for fun :angel:

few things i dont like about men...
SOME, not all, just don't want to be in relationship and prefer to play around.
most of the cute men with great personality are gay :tears: (no offense)
they dont pay enough attention to women.
they nod their head and not listen to what we say.
we have the right to work, maybe most of us wants to work, but dont expect all women to be a housewife (only when they have a newborn baby, and is old enough for a babysitter, then the women can go back to work)

now don't attack me! :ily:
Men are just not meant to understand women. It's in their DNA to bitch about toilet seats being left up, clothes laying on the floor, we don't cuddle with them etc...How can a man understand years of inate behavior :)
coffeeeeman said:
Men are just not meant to understand women. It's in their DNA to bitch about toilet seats being left up, clothes laying on the floor, we don't cuddle with them etc...How can a man understand years of inate behavior :)

coffeeeeman said:
Men are just not meant to understand women. It's in their DNA to bitch about toilet seats being left up, clothes laying on the floor, we don't cuddle with them etc...How can a man understand years of inate behavior :)
Okay, Coffeeeeman.. Let's say..
women know how taking care of man who whines and complain how much hurts cut or anything name it.. How can man can taking care of women who whines and pain wha..ever name it ???? I do not think so.. Men always nods and will be saying, you'll be fine honey..
Okay wha...ever you say about DNA.. I wud say 90%bastard... 10%non-bastard.. how's that equal ?

*remmy this post thread for fun* :thumb:
Bullym0m said:
Okay, Coffeeeeman.. Let's say..
women know how taking care of man who whines and complain how much hurts cut or anything name it.. How can man can taking care of women who whines and pain wha..ever name it ???? I do not think so.. Men always nods and will be saying, you'll be fine honey..
Okay wha...ever you say about DNA.. I wud say 90%bastard... 10%non-bastard.. how's that equal ?

*remmy this post thread for fun* :thumb:

"Nodding head" sounds about right....You're right..it'll be ok.
coffeeeeman said:
Men are just not meant to understand women. It's in their DNA to bitch about toilet seats being left up, clothes laying on the floor, we don't cuddle with them etc...How can a man understand years of inate behavior :)

:laugh2: :laugh2: ...That is soo true!...
Hmm... I've just come up with a new theory.

The mysteries of God remains yet unsolved.

The mysteries of women remains yet unsolved.

Hmm... does this mean that God is a woman?

If that's the case, we are doomed! :eek:
Despite our differences...men love women and women love men...no matter how trival or awkward such behaviors or bad habits each sexes may have...although, I'm sure I sometimes can get peeved about something, but yet, at the same time, I know there is some things I may do that peeves 'her'...sooo...*holdin' up the peace sign*...gotta love 'em!! Well, in my case...I loveeee her!!! :mrgreen:
OOoo... Men versus Women? Oh, come on! That's totally unfair.... just because us women are superior doesn't mean we have to make the males feel like shit... ;)
Ha ha this is so funny anyways I read all of it and I am was surpise that any of you don't talk about fart so I will bring it up anyways men always fart all the time at anywhere. That is the most I hate I know woman do fart but only in bathroom don't u agree with me?
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RosesNY said:
Ha ha this is so funny anyways I read all of it and I am was surpise that any of you don't talk about fart so I will bring it up anyways men always fart all the time at anywhere. That is the most I hate I know woman do fart but only in bathroom don't u agree with me?

Yeah, I agree with you. Men can fart anywhere, anytime! Since women can't shake it after they go pee, they have to blow-dry it!

Well, well..

I do cook.. Better than most women. You can ask Bewitched if this is true! She begs me at least once a week for some of my desserts.

I have been told I sew better quilts than most women.

When I was married, kids would rather have me babysit them than my exwife.

I also noticed it is the woman that makes the man! What a man does, reflects on how well his mother raised him. So, if you ladies want a man to behave well, raise your boys right!

Bow down before me, ladies! :bowdown:

Ha ha ha...

Why do some men have to be macho and cover up their feelings even from their wives, who are supposed to be their best friend... until the men reach a boiling point and explode? Wouldn't it be better just to confide in the wife or gf or bf/husband rather than having it build up? :fly3:

And... the wives are always right! :slap: :cool:
Banjo said:
Women buy way too many shoes, purses, and jewelries.
not me! lol men buy too many games, music, dvds.. oh boy... now they want more expensive toys like car, motorcycle, ATV etc. I ll be happy w/ roses, and good dinner.. good enough! ha ha