Woman's generosity to trooper triggers New York police search


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York State Police on Wednesday were looking for a woman who slipped $1,000 inside a Christmas card she gave to a trooper, saying that while he is grateful for her gift he is legally barred from accepting it.

The unidentified woman approached Trooper Christopher Maniscalco on Sunday while he was investigating a complaint in the town of Guilderland, outside Albany.

She told the trooper that she often saw him around, commended him on his good work, and wished him a Merry Christmas, as she handed him a holiday card, police said.

Maniscalco discovered the $1,000 inside the card when he opened it after his shift.

Police cannot accept such gifts under state law.

Authorities hope to find the woman - described as blonde, 5 feet 8-inches tall and about 40 years old - to find out whether they might donate the money elsewhere on her behalf.

Woman's generosity to trooper triggers New York police search - Yahoo! News
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Glad see people appreciate the work the police do and to see the cop do the right thing.
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Sounds like he IS a good police officer! That gift won't go wrong.

Dear wife was just saying how "nice" people in authority make it easier for regular folks. I pointed out that a nice person that we know in government is tragically slow getting things done. I'm not sure if she has just substituted an engaging personality for better work habits.

Being "nice" had better never mean doing something that benefits someone because there's is something in it for the person in authority. I would hate, hate, hate to live some place like that!

We should all value someone who uses authority properly and with a measure of respect. We expect them to do their job but some are very conscientious. What a blessing to have people like that in our communities. They would be good to have around no matter what their job is!

Heck, I like to treat even my mail carrier with something for Christmas. I was standing out in the driveway yesterday with my back to the street - usually, I will save him a step by coming out to meet him. I'm tying my shoe . . . . He goes right past me and puts mail in the box by the door. Now, the UPS driver has no special authority but that guy would probably have dropped a box on me out there in the driveway if he thought it would save him a step!
I'm glad that police officer followed the law by not accept the gift and they have to give to somewhere like charities.