Woman in ICU After Restoring Virginity for 6th Time


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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A Russian woman is in intensive care after attempting to restore her virginity for the sixth time, according to a report on mosnews.com.

The woman, identified only as Natalia K., had her first hymenoplasty operation six years ago before getting married, the Russian Web site Life.ru reports.

Hymenoplasty, also known as hymenorrhaphy or hymen reconstruction surgery, is a type of plastic surgery that involves the restoration of the hymen. The aim of this surgery is to ensure bleeding during sexual intercourse, giving the appearance that the woman is a virgin.

Natalie K. had the surgery before her wedding because her husband was upset that she had already lost her virginity to another man. However, he apparently liked the results of the surgery so much, he asked his wife to have the surgery each year following their wedding.

Doctors warned Natalie K. that having the surgery for the sixth time posed risks, however she chose to go through with it. She caught a “minor infection” after the surgery and is now in intensive care.

Woman in Intensive Care After 'Restoring Virginity' for Sixth Time - Women's Health - FOXNews.com
WTF??? The husband needs his weiner chopped off!
That's just ... .... what kind of guy gets off on the sardonic satisfaction of his wife going through needless surgery and pain afterwards, and now this ???? I hope she recovers and LEAVES him.
Her hubby is very selfish to make his wife go through this.
Not only it is selfish, it is abuse.

The husband is being inconsiderate. It's sad to see that the wife is going through this.
If the doctors were ethical then they would have refused the surgery after the first time citing no medical or moral need to do so - it was purely cosmetic and it was quite risky each time.
That is so awful! her husband should had accepted she is no longer a virgin . that is so sad...
You can reclaim your virginity? I didn't know that....

But man that man is so selfish!
You can reclaim your virginity? I didn't know that....

But man that man is so selfish!

Me neither but mentally, one cannot be a virgin again unless she was very drunk and cant remember having sex.

I guess it has to do with the tightness that the men enjoy?
It might be a culture thing, so some might be having culture shocks.
I've had no experience with Russian traditions and culture.. but I looked on google why virginity would be important to Russians for this particular wife to restore it six times.

Sexuality and the Body in Russian ... - Google Books
I found a short passage saying:

Sexuality and the Body in Russian Culture p 45-46.
"Loss of virginity even in the context of a lawful marriage was frequently described as "defilement" or rastliti devsto, "corrupting virginity" - a term akin to that used in reference to the raping of maidens. Overindulgence in sexual activity, wether in marriage or outside it, was denigrated by means of animal similes "wallowing in fornication [blud] in a sty like swine and . . . like cattle."

In the USA it common consensus seems to see that virginity is a rare prize to hold, but it's meant to be broken if they want to be "normal".

Maybe in Russia it's more of a prideful thing to have? Or the husband wants to feel rejuvenated again by 'breaking virginity'?
Me neither but mentally, one cannot be a virgin again unless she was very drunk and cant remember having sex.

I guess it has to do with the tightness that the men enjoy?

:roll: I don't get it... why men likes it so tight?

Having your virginity removed hurts... *shudders* That's not something I would like to go through again. I feel bad for that women that has to endure that pain over and over just because her husband like breaking virginity.