Wireless Phone Jack in eBay


Eye/Hear/Speech Impaired
Premium Member
May 27, 2006
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Would you consider bidding/buying wireless phone jack? Call me cheap but I don't think it's worth spending $40-$50 at retail stores such as RadioShack or online retailer such as Buy.com. Plus, the shipping cost is what I have to watch out for ($12.00), even though the package is small, I don't know why the shipping cost is a bit high but no complaints... I'd probably treat the shipping cost as if it's a price of a product.

The reason why I need the wireless phone jack system is because I have my Vonage Unlimited Plan (Motorola VT2142 VoIP Phone Adapter/Router) with my TTY (I get clear/ungarbled text), my TTY is downstairs (I live in two-story apartment) along with the phone adapter that's connected to the cable modem. Of course I have configured my Vonage account to get my cell phone to ring when a caller rings my TTY number; however, since I use my computer almost all day long upstairs, my cell phone's voice mail will answer the call after about 4 rings and the TTY message will get sent to my unwanted cell phone's voice mail, so I had to rush downstairs to answer a call. Plus, I will never know if the call that I get are voice or TTY in my cell phone but I will always get (and will only receive) TTY calls in my Vonage Unlimited Plan phone number.

I will be getting a ring flasher/alarm in eBay so I got that covered for receiving TTY phone calls. So the only thing I'm considering is the wireless phone jack system.