win $1 million dollars!!!!


New Member
Jan 26, 2005
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What if you win a million dollars today? :P

What would you do? Would you spend it all in one day???

Give all to the homeless people?

Save it?

Buy a new house and a car? :wiggle:
First of all the debts have to pay off and then do something for our house/garden and then anything whatever we really need.

Fix money with high interest for my boys's future.

Donate any charties to help homeless people, scentist to do with incurable illness patient, etc.

Fix money with high interest for our future pension.
Buy 4 season Tickets to Baltimore Ravens Home games.
Buy 4 season Tickets to Baltimore Orioles Home games.
Buy a Small House with 2 new cars
And Invest
1. Build a deaf church
2. Donate to orphan children home
3. Help with poor children for medicial and dentist
4. Give money to my parents and family
5. Build my own home in country area
1. hire someone to build my own dream house
2. Donate to the hungry children services and abuse shelters for women and children
3. buy a new truck and a camper
4. Give some to my family
5. Donate some to the church
I'd buy myself one of those abandoned castles in Spain and live there.

1. Pay off my debt

2. built log cabin house

3. buy new truck and camper

4. get a horse

5. donate money to the needy animals and children

6. pay for my son's private school

7 invest the college fund for my son
1. Donate some to my church
2. Pay bills
3. Buy new house
4. Buy a new car
5. Go to Europe
6. Save
A million dollars is not a lot of money these could not buy and run that castle someone mentioned.
I would bury the money with a bunch of skeletons guarding it along with a hidden camera, then make a treasure map!

Ummm If I win 1 million dollars and how I would like to spend it?

Let me think....

1. Invest
2. pay off any left debits such as bills and house, car etc.
3. pay in full for my son's private school till HS so worry free with no payments
4. Buy new truck, SUV, motorcycle for my bf

If money left over, may buy a house. Really cannot predcit if win 1 million dollars hee!
give some money to the deaf organizations such as help make theatres have captions, find more jobs and better hearing equipment.

buy a new car (don't everyone else? :roll: )

buy some clothes

buy 32' HDTV

buy tons of anime DVDs and comics

buy tons of videogames

Very true Tousi!

LOLOL Liza! Ya silly!

What would I do with $1M? INVEST! I'll figure out later when the money grows.
Shame on ya all!!!

In fact 1 mil isn't much and it won't lead you to lavish lifestyle. You could become broke practically overnight!

First, the bill that is NEVER gonna to be avoidable... Pay that we all HATE the most...

I don't know if saying this will make Ravensteven :madfawk:

Then that would leave me around 400,000 dollars. I would invest entirely into long term investment with high returnsThen wait another 25 years, it will shoot up to about 1.5 million dollars then I would have nice retirement lifestyle and not worry about shits.

I would love to win at least 80 million dollars, that way I could have live off from interest comfortably.
1. Pay off my debts
2. A log house in a sequoia forest or nearby a town in a forested region
3. get a new car
4. a 42" HDTV :D
5. donate some to non profit organizations
5. budget some left as possible for my lifetime, no job needed but I would
still run a photography business
1) pay off car and house bills
2) buy other houses to rent to others
3) go on mini-vacations
4) build an awesome garden

1 million dollars is not much money at all, and that's right, some of it will go to taxes to the government. I'd rather look for tax free lottery!
A million bucks? I'd spend it on hookers & blow! Just kidding.

Actually if I came into $1 million today I'd pay off my mom's debts, pay off her house, and pay for my brother's college education.

What little I'd have after that I'd put into long-term investments for myself. :D
I think $1 million is enough for everything what I really want and donate poor people..... I would not give my job up because of this... not even $5 millions.... I´m working person....
Buy myself a Hummer...
Build my big dream house...
Pay off all loans and debts...
Go vacation to all beach...
Buy a condo on the beach...
Put some of money in saving account...
Put some of money in my son's account... (that for college, etc)
Invest it.....start an organization to promote ASL and Deaf culture sort of along the lines of the Obokotter Foundation (the foundation that promotes oralism)