Will you Choose between Boyfriend or Girlfriend over your kids?

No Problem

Cutie, I do understand ya just fine... i see where ya are coming from...

I am confused with your story, I don't see anything wrong with a guy who accept your children within a short period of time, Do you rather him not to accept your children at all? And having your children not liking him? Is there any reasons why they don't like him? :)

With me I rather to have a guy who accept my children as their own, there is no time limit, could take a while, it could take several days. That's how I did with my dad's new wife, It took me a while to get used to her and accept her in the family. ;)

I used to date this one guy who told me he wanted to started a family with me, wanted me to leave my children behind with their father and start a family with him. I was shocked and told him, You either accept my kids that comes with me in one whole package or or there a door on the way out don't hit let it hit your ass.

Now, I'm dating diehardbiker, he accept my children the same way I accept his son. That's what family are all about accepting each others. ;)
Cheri said:

I am confused with your story, I don't see anything wrong with a guy who accept your children within a short period of time, Do you rather him not to accept your children at all? And having your children not liking him? Is there any reasons why they don't like him? :)

With me I rather to have a guy who accept my children as their own, there is no time limit, could take a while, it could take several days. That's how I did with my dad's new wife, It took me a while to get used to her and accept her in the family. ;)

I used to date this one guy who told me he wanted to started a family with me, wanted me to leave my children behind with their father and start a family with him. I was shocked and told him, You either accept my kids that comes with me in one whole package or or there a door on the way out don't hit let it hit your ass.

Now, I'm dating diehardbiker, he accept my children the same way I accept his son. That's what family are all about accepting each others. ;)

okay am sorry to confuse you , first of all when he arrived my house for the first time after see him for sometime ...he just straight to chat with my daughter and gave her something like jewels . and my daughter do not want to accept things from him because every time he visited us he keep gave my kids something and later on i found out he work for the binman ( trash man) and found something from there and clean it then gave it to my kids . and my daughter said to me * i dont like this guy he gave me the creeps because he keep gave me something from where he find it in the bin while he work .* yet i does to understand have to accept other partner's child or kids i does have accept my 2nd ex husband 's first child . he does accept my first son ... by my first marriage .. but this guy is the control freak that how it start make us feel uncomfortable and i wouldnt not to want it to be feel control by him as i am not having to someone to take control over me or my family ok ... hope this does to be clear ? am sorry that i am not very good at english .. excuse me for this ... but then again .. my 2nd ex husband left us for no reason at all that how it does hurt us and it wouldnt be fair on my oldest son for going to through this again .... to be honest with you . i have no regretting to not have a boyfriend . because i am too busy to take care of my family and job etc .
Ohh I got it Cutepommie perfectly :thumb: I understand how you feel, If I was in your place I'll feel the same, Yep, that's creepy! :)
Cheri said:
Ohh I got it Cutepommie perfectly :thumb: I understand how you feel, If I was in your place I'll feel the same, Yep, that's creepy! :)

thanks, and * off topic* also TMI too that how it can got mixing up the story to put which as which it can does to make some of people getting confuse by post this .. i do not mind but . i would rather talk in person than post it as i just try harder to do my best , yes my english are very crapping since i got poor education when i was at deaf school . interesting that i does read very good and does to understand everything what they writing in but i cant put the words in what i want to put . yet my deaf son is only 13 years old oh boy his english are higher than mine ... he does to good at poet etc ...
When I first met my fiance, he told me he didn't want a woman with kids (that was before I told him I have a daughter). I told him right there that I have a child and if he doesn't want to be a part of it then its time to depart. He was like.. you have a child and I said yes. I told him to think about it before he go too far with me. A few days later, he said he'd like to be a part of our lives and give it a try. It was hard at first because he was strict with her.. he never spanked her. We just had a different theory of how to discipline a kid. I told him that he was raise in a military type of discipline. I was raise to love and listen and be a friend to the child. When that mixed, I got confuse how to raise my kid at first. I realize that my daughter is doing really well by the mixture of discipline. She's definitely a mommy's girl and depends on me about 90% of the time. She's got a lot of love coming from my fiance as well.

My point is that it takes time to find the right person to share the same theory of how to discipline kids. You have to make sure that you are in more control with your child.. not your girlfriend or boyfriend. The girlfriend/boyfriend is basically the helper. Your child/children definitely comes first but when it comes to being in a relationship.. yes, you have to balance. Make sure your kid/kids get a lot of attention as well.
Kids always come first. Glad my bf accept my son and planning on adopt him.. He love kids as well. I think it improtant to have ur loves to accept the kids, cuz you can't contiune to live the journey if they don't accept ur kids. It hard thing to let kids go. I can't image that.
RebelGirl said:
When I first met my fiance, he told me he didn't want a woman with kids (that was before I told him I have a daughter). I told him right there that I have a child and if he doesn't want to be a part of it then its time to depart. He was like.. you have a child and I said yes. I told him to think about it before he go too far with me. A few days later, he said he'd like to be a part of our lives and give it a try. It was hard at first because he was strict with her.. he never spanked her. We just had a different theory of how to discipline a kid. I told him that he was raise in a military type of discipline. I was raise to love and listen and be a friend to the child. When that mixed, I got confuse how to raise my kid at first. I realize that my daughter is doing really well by the mixture of discipline. She's definitely a mommy's girl and depends on me about 90% of the time. She's got a lot of love coming from my fiance as well.

My point is that it takes time to find the right person to share the same theory of how to discipline kids. You have to make sure that you are in more control with your child.. not your girlfriend or boyfriend. The girlfriend/boyfriend is basically the helper. Your child/children definitely comes first but when it comes to being in a relationship.. yes, you have to balance. Make sure your kid/kids get a lot of attention as well.
yea i remmy that story.. i am glad that he is very good father to ur daughter and give her lot of love... :D
i have have a son who is learning disabilies.he s 11 year olds i know how tough it is.. my bf is other across the states.. he is waiting for get his kids back home which he is keeping fighting to court to bring his kids back home . i aint pushing him anything until settle down come first.. we do keep touch each other online, talking on cell phone ,chat on vp and flew over his homestate or my homestate for two years so as long as we keep touch each other my bf and spend time keep focus my son helping his plms learning disbabilies.. ( he s on medinice is muchhh better but he need alot some help for reading plms) that i prefer balance to share my bf and my son. i accepts his kids. if he get his kids back home . i accepts him let spend time with kids until he s ready. love is important than not jealous. long as got to understand and accpets !
If i could have kids... My kids will come first but I don't got nothing to worry about any kids in the future. So if it was a family or something it will be my family FIRST and I will show the person the front door.