Will people only see the hearing aids.


New Member
Apr 20, 2014
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I have been assured that I will soon sit for a fitting of my new hearing aids. This news puts me one step closer to what I hope will be a better quality of life. While looking for the positive aspects of what is to come, I do have a question. My hearing aids will be visible, how will other people react to them, will I be defined by what others see as a disability?

I recently attended a course with some people who had severe disabilities. Some had become accustomed to others doing more than what was necessary to help them. I'm not saying they used a disability to their advantage, however I do think they got used to being treated a certain way and this created problems within the group.

Will hearing aids create a new set of problems. Will I be treated a certain way and is there a possibility I could fall in to a roll in which I rely on the sympathy of others?
There's always a possibility that people will change their perspective of you once they see the hearing aids but for me I've not had that issue very much. In fact if you get a pair that matches your skin or hair color it is probably not that noticeable. Most people don't even realize I AM deaf and have 'em even though my hair is usually 1/2 inch or less long!

The more important thing is attitude and how you carry yourself. If you show confidence and are relaxed and easy going you won't have much of a problem (aside from ridiculously loud places- I get stressed in those...). Roll with the flow. Do what you feel most comfortable with but do be prepared for others who will overcompensate-- talking louder/yelling, over-enunciating (yes-- have had this happen multiple times- family included), rolling of eyes, words to the effect of "Never mind", "I'll tell you later" etc.

I grew up with hearing aids (since 2) so my experiences will be different than yours as newly fitted hearing aid wearer.
Seems to me that the only people who notice hearing aids are other hearing aid wearers.
I have blue/black hearing aids & blue glitter ear molds. I wear my hair pulled up at my ears.

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Will hearing aids create a new set of problems. Will I be treated a certain way and is there a possibility I could fall in to a roll in which I rely on the sympathy of others?

If you are independent now hearing aids won't take that away. Many people simply won't notice them. Your reaction to the hearing aids is going to be the most influental one. Like said above if you are confident enough to just be yourself it is really unlikely there will be any problems.
don't be ashamed, you can always pimp your hearing aids and maybe get cool earmolds! (I have cool earmolds which are pretty old LOL)
I have been assured that I will soon sit for a fitting of my new hearing aids. This news puts me one step closer to what I hope will be a better quality of life. While looking for the positive aspects of what is to come, I do have a question. My hearing aids will be visible, how will other people react to them, will I be defined by what others see as a disability?

I recently attended a course with some people who had severe disabilities. Some had become accustomed to others doing more than what was necessary to help them. I'm not saying they used a disability to their advantage, however I do think they got used to being treated a certain way and this created problems within the group.

Will hearing aids create a new set of problems. Will I be treated a certain way and is there a possibility I could fall in to a roll in which I rely on the sympathy of others?

Who cares... if they treat you differently, do you really want those people in your life? F**k them!

Sorry, that's my take on the whole thing... You can't live your life wondering about stupid crap like this... If you want to hear and have to use devices to do that, that's all you need to worry about... not what other people will be thinking or how they'll treat you. Those people are what we call "shallow ass hats" and you want nothing to do with them anyways. Period.
trust me...most people don't even NOTICE an aid.It's not like its a body worn aid or an ear horn......I have bright purple aids......You wouldn't freak out about glasses would you? No, so why do you freak out about the visabilty of aids?
Be proud of your hearing aids, they are a badge of honor.

Whether or not people will only see them and not you, depends on you :)
