Why you dont scare black people

Steel X

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
Not that it's racist or whatever, but I find that so hiralous. :lol:

You will see what I mean when you watch this.

YouTube - Knocked Out

As Chris Tucker from the movie "Friday" would say "You got knocked the FUCK out!"
I've seen them jump to high heaven after noticing a black labrador GUIDE DOG! LOL
I can't see here in the office but I have to wait until I'm home from work to view tonight.
Okay, better wear the protect helmet while try to boo at the dark dude.

It's a funny video but why did you title this thread "Why you dont scare black people"? The video isn't about "black people."
I think the title was meant to be as humorous as the video.
Oh, my, I would not want to boo or scare him that close. Boy, that is really close for comfort. Ouch. That is a quick reflex. :lol: