why the regligon stop in all deaf.com

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I gotta admit..I am curious about that myself.

Personally I like a little drama and uproar on forums but apparently I'm a minority in feeling this way. I say go for the religion and politics. :giggle:
Personally I like a little drama and uproar on forums but apparently I'm a minority in feeling this way. I say go for the religion and politics. :giggle:

I love drama and uproar too..makes for interesting readings. :D
Best for the religion section to be closed for a while as I dont think the mods would be impressed with vicious and provoked attacks... I always avoid the religion section since I am not that religious at all.. and am not eager to read anything that would get out of hand fast with one fact presented and others pounce on that.. no thanks... so best not to ask about the religion section reopening ok?
We have had Crusades and Jihads based on religion. It seems to be the hottest button to push for war to occur. That also means that there is no civil discussion that can occur when there are so many extreme sides.

My assumption is that there are maybe 50% of ADers that would consider themselves as active Christians. The other religions take up much smaller chunks of the pie, along with Agnostics, such as myself. If the Christians think that everything will be discussed civilly, imagine a few hardcore Muslims posting that Jesus is not the Chosen One, etc. Can you imagine the ganging up that would occur, all in the name of God?

The thing is, most every religion is based on teachings that have little factual basis. It is a way of life. People choose to live different ways, based on their religious teachings, and when this gets discussed, every side thinks their side is the right side.

My reasons for my views are that I cannot trust humans to teach me what is right, because of greed. I try to be kind to others, and help those that need it. After watching all the televangelists fail because they worshipped money a bit too much, why should I pay someone else to teach me to live my life the right way? I think I do that without cost, by respecting my fellow man.
Speaking of re-opening religions.. I would not advice that. Best way if you want to talk about religion is to talk in private is only way instead of posting on AD. It not worth to have all the heated arugments on AD over religions issues is not worth all the fights, labaling, insults, threats, attacking on each other. Think twice.. some people get out of control over that topic on religions.
Does the ban on religious posting cover the religious holiday of Christmas? I hope not but I'm not sure.
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