Why the couple share the same account?


Active Member
Mar 12, 2007
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I'm talk about e-mail, facebook and IM. I find it annoying. Why why?

It's like they don't trust each other if they have their own account individual. :hmm:
Probably easier to keep up with and keep in touch with family.
Well, most cases, they don't care about IM or the internet or chatting with people. So they just create one account and that's it. Kinda like sharing cellphone.
oh and I do share facebook with my hubby :) Mainly because HE won't get on it and say hi to people who added him.
Hubby and I share everything.

PowerOn, trust me; you'll understand when you get hitched.
I have seen that too. It is an individual choice. My hubby and I dont share accounts together.
Seen it where they have shared accounts and individual accounts.

What ever floats their boat.
Hubby and I share everything.

PowerOn, trust me; you'll understand when you get hitched.

No, it doesn't! You don't know how when someone feel about it... When someone search and found to make contract. Realize, that it's not the dude but his wife to talk.

FRIEND: "omg! I'm glad to found you. I knew you laid lot of girls, I'm glad you stop and got married. What's up???"
MAN but actual Woman: "What?!? My hubby laid with lot of girls? Wait a second...."
FRIEND: *wait for hour and until that account been disconnect from that person*
:lol: You even have to be careful on individual accounts! Lots of spouse knows their SO's passwords.

It is mainly a trust issue.

Especially with the social network nowadays. Many people connecting with old friends and family!
yeah thats right. then why are yo complaining about some married sharing the account? ;)
well geez, you really shouldn't be spilling out a person's past like that. It's like picking up the phone, and automatically assume it is your friend.
hubby and I don't share Email...we have our own...and for IM, we have our own SN. If something is important, I would forward the Email..he does that sometimes.

As for FB, I have my own, he don't want one, that's fine

Banking yes we share the account.
well geez, you really shouldn't be spilling out a person's past like that. It's like picking up the phone, and automatically assume it is your friend.

pick up phone? It's common sense for me to know if it's for house that anyone would use it. Cellphone? It's high chance it's person I expect to call or sent SMS to them.

*beep, you have new txt msg*
Hey! Wanne hang out at bar 2nite?

Hubby nosy on her mobile phone "oh, that's his ex-bf..." *delete msg*
yeah thats right. then why are yo complaining about some married sharing the account? ;)

Oh yeah, I complain alot... most about on damn facebook. Even if their profile didn't appear if they're single or married and I would flirt and turn out it's their boyfriend or hubby? :o
Why are you flirting with that person if their DID appeared as "married"

Oh and most family share their cellphone with their kids. And most got rid of their landline, so don't get the idea everyone have their own cellphone. Always address the person you want to talk to (like you do on an answering machine) unless you are absolutely sure that person use the phone only for himself.But then again, even I check my husband cellphone.He told me told to because he will be mowing.

On facebook, we just put both of our name down to let people know we share account.
If you are seeking friendship and nothing more. It should be ok.

Apparently your contact with her upseted her husband.

You have to look into his shoes and think how you would feel. If someone was talking in the same manner to your Significant other.

I would say she got busted!!

I may be wrong but. It is what I sense.
Oh yeah, I complain alot... most about on damn facebook. Even if their profile didn't appear if they're single or married and I would flirt and turn out it's their boyfriend or hubby? :o

LOL. *aw* So Facebook have the feature that called private message. start pming and ASK lots of questions before you spill out of your mouth. =D
LOL. *aw* So Facebook have the feature that called private message. start pming and ASK lots of questions before you spill out of your mouth. =D

Doesn't matter if he used the private chat. Her hubby still had access to her account.

And he "saw the transactions"

PowerOn, did you know she was married?

Before you sent her messages or status updates?