Why revenge is the highest passion: an exercise in dialectics

Ha ha ha ha ha.....love it. You are a delight....hmmm I don't eat fowl personally, but thinking you might be something like duck confit, or a shockingly aromatic cheese....the intitial revulsion over the rot is somewhat tempered by the happily tangy flavor. And if that makes me the "Master of the Run-On Sentence", then halleluliah---I'm in good company.

Not sure of the point you didn't think I addressed, but the crux of the thing was that revenge is a trip to be enjoyed, albeit an instinctive, base function of those who feel responsible to do so. It wasn't exactly a lofty concept.

As for you calling anything I could ever say superfluous, I am on the floor laughing. Talk about the freakin' pot calling the kettle black!

I appreciate you though; glad you are here for my amusement.