Why Men-bashing? Women are just as bad!

Most of it has been pretty good natured ribbing.
In the Bible, from what I know, the word, man is a reference to a human being of either sex. For instance, God would say that he care for all races and men. God is referring to both genders, not just the men.

However, not a lot of people realize that.

True. Man as in Hu-man

punctuation marks are important. Are punctuation marks important? They certainly are!

I asked if Anne Heche would be a suitable example, I did not state that she was. Regardless, the conversation was not directed towards you, but you like to shoot blanks to your loaded questions.


You really are a funny little dude.:laugh2: Back yourself in a corner, and then point fingers at everyone else!:laugh2:
Sure they are. Infidelity is not limited to one sex. Nor is it less offensive when committed by one gender over another.

Right, cheating is cheating, regardless of what sexual organs you have.
Argh, I had a long reply written out and then accidentally pressed refresh and lost all of it.

The gist of it:

i dont even what the fuck is this shit

You people broke my brain. I hope you're happy.


A few minor things I wanted to reply to:

Some dude made an offhand comment about "women who complain about a lack of good guys and then date jerks"; I'm sure there are a few cases when that's actually true and is likely to be a bit more common in HS (this is called "a person with poor judgement" and can happen whether you're a dude or a chick). To any guys who happen to think this is an accurate statement - it isn't. Most women do not neglect to date the "good guys" surrounding her while instead opting to date complete jackasses. Instead, most girls are more likely to date guys who are confident as opposed to a guy who is insecure (or a "doormat"). If you're constantly being put in the "friend zone", then most likely, you're extremely insecure, which is not exactly a "turn on" for anyone.

One of the chicks said that girls cheat due to lack of satisfaction with the relationship, while guys cheat to relieve sexual urges. Sorry, I don't buy this, either. In any relationship, if someone's cheating, it's always (okay, almost always) because of a lack of satisfaction with the relationship. That could be because the wife in the relationship thinks the husband doesn't find her attractive and thus is never in the mood for sex. It could be because the man cares more about watching football than he cares about watching his wife. In either case, the cheater is unsatisfied with their relationship.
Dang. There must be something wrong with me. I do not feel any urge to ask my SO if she has been faithful to me or not. Woot.
Dang. There must be something wrong with me. I do not feel any urge to ask my SO if she has been faithful to me or not. Woot.

Same here. That's because I know he's been faithful. He's such a good man I don't even think twice about that subject. And he's said the same of me.
Same here. That's because I know he's been faithful. He's such a good man I don't even think twice about that subject. And he's said the same of me.

I am happy for you guys. My SO and I trust each other utterly, and that is an awesome feeling. And responsibility. I am just glad she decided to keep me. :lol:
If girls only wanted to date jerks then how come all the good guys are married? :)

Because the guys who say stuff like that think they are the good guys, when really they are spineless misogynists, who blame women, rather than themselves for being, y'know, unattractive or otherwise undesirable partners.
As I said in the men bashing thread, there are some good and some bad. Not all of us women are made alike. Yes, some are very, very bad, and some are just downright raunchy and meaner than a pitbull in a dogfight, but then again, there are others that are pure gold and some that are kind and some that have a lot of feelings and can empathize with you.
There's a saying in the divorce biz: 10's don't marry 2's. Meaning that both spouses are troubled and angry in a divorce.

No moral judgment here. Just explains why the divorce process is so difficult.
Is some of the problem of "divorce" who is at "fault"?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

Even if you live in a no-fault state, whoever instigated (or filed) for divorce may have upset the other party so much that it makes for problems in the divorce proceedings. Human nature of the respondent.
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men is very don't like woman marry or, promise honest to love honest,
Doesn't tell confess because your hold secret! lie on your confess shame and qulity,

adultery and bad not respect!

woman hurting feeling because men think don't like woman not perfect
