Why is it embarrassing to admit you met your partner online?

Funny thing is that I do not concider meeting someone until I am face to face with them. Online anyone can act however they want, face to face is the only way to meet. They might have connected through online, but you only meet until you are fisically there. That is what I think.
My boyfriend and I met online and when we told our friends about one another, we got those condescending looks like "Oh, that's not a real relationship". But in our hearts, we really care for one another and how we met doesn't change that.
Also we agree that if we get married and have children, we're going to have to make up some story about how we met bcz we don't want our kids to meet anyone online lol. There are crazies out there!
:nono: :type: :wiggle:
Y said:
interesting... how do u know for sure if that's
the real truth that they actually met online ?
I know it's the real truth because I'm good friends with their friends as well. So when these people told me that they met their partners in person, and my good friends told me otherwise, I then knew the real truth.
I met my husband on the computer from school. When I tell my family, relatives and people from work, they over-reacted. I said, we're both student at the same college. Got a problem with that? :dunno: They said, oh no, no, that's good you met him at the school, not on-line where the freaks are. I just tell them that I met him at school. :roll:
<---Aint embarrassed to point out I met wife off the 'Net.

We met at the old talkcity chatroom "Deafuniverse" way back in 1999. We had a online relationship for 3 years. In 2K2, I had the nerve to go up to Indiana to see her for the 1st time.

BAM, a few months later, I ended up with wedding ring on my finger and a daughter to boot.....
I'm not even ashamed of revealing the whereabouts of how I met ^Angel^ which was through the internet...to anyone, although, I will think twice about whoever it is that happens to ask me how I met her and if I think that this 'other' person might tend to think indifferently or give problems, then I would just simply tell that person that I met her with a 'group' of other people one night...(which is partly true...in a chatroom that I monitored ;) )...some people just don't neccessarily have the 'right to know' every details...good grief! Although, before ^Angel^ and I met in person, I did confided with my mother that I met ^Angel^ online and soon will be seeing her for then she looked happy, even smiled and could see the 'love' that I beheld...how I talked, how my eyes sparkled, how I floated as I walked.... :cool:

As we all know that there are gazillions of crazy people invading the 'net waves' and not always is every chance meeting that does turn out in a good way...in my case with ^Angel^, getting to know her (heart) through all of her heartfelt expressions, thoughts during the months online prior to our actual meeting, understanding and very much appreciating her beautiful personality for which I indeed went head over heels as I constantly floated on clouds soaking in an abundant of rays of adape' love! :D
Naim, a thought occurred to me about your anger at others for not telling you the truth about how they met their partners... have you considered THAT it is not any of your business in the first place, and that you should respect others' privacy anyway?

There's always a reason behind every choice.. your friends may have chosen to not tell you all the details simply because they are just afraid of how you would react. It's quite common to get conscending reactions about how you met your partner online, ya know, and nobody likes that! So just try to be a little more understanding, OK? Then you will earn people's trust.... because it takes real trust on others' part to SHARE their personal details with you.. it is a privilege, not a right for you. Know what I mean?
no, i don't think it is embrassing, it is really good expereince ot meet online friend or relationship. I know it is risky to meet online friend or relationship. I do believe it will be boom a million of freindo share to know each other in different country. :D
Liza said:
Naim, a thought occurred to me about your anger at others for not telling you the truth about how they met their partners... have you considered THAT it is not any of your business in the first place, and that you should respect others' privacy anyway?
Sure, but if they thought it was none of my business, why can't they just simply tell me then that it's none of my business instead of going off telling me some BS story?????

Of course I understand it may be personal and it might be uncomfortable for the person to reveal the truth, but I don't think it's necessary to come up with some stupid fairy tale when they could have simply made it clear that they don't want say because it's [enter reason here]. What kind of impression do you think he or she will give me when I'm trying to make new friends? :thumbd:
Naim, I dont even tell my close friends about meeting men online. They will freak out and tell me that they are all freaks, perverts, sickos, ex-convicts, murderers, horny, lonely, desperate .........you can guess the rest. So I remain mum as I can trust myself and don't need negativism.

It is still a stigma to this day even though more people are starting to realize that meeting on Internet is just one of many modes to meet. But I am still embarassed as I don't want people to think I m desperate but heck, I no longer enjoy going to singles bars or night clubbing.
naim ur making a big deal out of nothing they may have thier own reasons why don t u just let it go move on and not worry abt it they had thier reasons and u have urs difference of opioion are allowed here but dont make it look like we're the bad guys for not telling the whole truth some poeple have thier reasons and some just flat out tell them so use common decency and just respect thier reasons. ok ??
I was just having a discussion, isn't that the purpose of a forum???? I was just expressing my opinion and I have not yet so far told anyone that he or she is wrong and I'm right. Geez, man.

All I was saying is that, IN MY OPINION, it's better to tell the truth or not say anything at all instead of coming up with some bullshit story about how they met their partner.....whether you agree or not!
yes it is but U seem to be disagreeing with everyone elses comment..... So whats the point of discussing if ur going to disagree, POEPLE have thier REASONS so theres NO reason w hy u need to whine abt ur friends not telling u anything and u finding out from other poeple thats why Deaf community is ALWAYS a thorn for gossips! hence them not talking abt it with you if u dont think they can be truthful to you why are u still thier friends>???
As far as I'm concerned, you're the whino here and you're the one making a BIGGER DEAL OUT OF THIS. I just expressed my opinion and we have had healthy discussions so far until you came here accusing me of making you guys look bad? Telling me that I should just shut up and move on? WTF. Who in the hell do you think you are? :lol:
OH excuse me i wasn't whining i was advising and liza is right u have anger issues, and im not here to bash anyone. at any time what so ever, this will be my last post considering the fact u just bashed me and told me that i was telling u to stfu and move on?? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO thats where ur SORELY mistaken! DO not twist and put it ALL on me u the one that brought it up! U HAVE a right to express ur thoughts and no one is stopping u but u have been repeative about the same issue and u know there are REASONS see the word REASONS behind issues they plby did not want to share with you. learn to respect. and move on theres no need to dwell! JEEZ

Off my :rant: SMH

dont put it on me dude!!!!!!
So now you're saying that Liza and you are right and I'm wrong? <sarcastic>Yea, sure.</sarcastic>

You can't say you're not here to bash because you already did in your first post. Don't deny the truth.

You're damn right I have the right to express my thoughts and you tried to stop me, didn't you? Don't say no one is stopping me because you did try to.

No you did not actually say to STFU and move on but it's obvious you were trying to imply that.

I'm sorry but I thought I read somewhere that you're the one with anger issues, so maybe you need to take a chill pill and be a little open minded. I did nothing wrong but express my feelings and thoughts.

Please stay on topic or I will have no choice but to lock this thread.

Thank you.
i met my boyfriend long time ago online.. we just friend for like a year.. we does know each ohter alot.. he is from mich.. last week he asked me out since he has huge huge crush on me.. i not felt ashamed abt it at all..