Why i'm only person who see this way?

Based on the orig post, your hubby probably has a bad back cuz he eats meat! :shock:

Those that eat meat are healthier than those that don't. You cannot get all your 22 essential and non-essential amino acids from a so-called "vegan" diet. Yes, I know what I'm talking about; I'm a health teacher.
My grandpa lived to 95. He was from Kansas and was a meat/potatoe man his whole life. He, nor did my grandma, have any health issues. If eatting veggi only diet prevents cancer, we'd all be doing it.

As far as the animal thing in love and marriage respects....did you know that Swan's mate for life w/ only one other swan. when a partner swan dies, the other one never picks another partner. They might have marriage cermonies but we don't speak swan so we wouldn't know. Did you know the ape family has relationships w/ one another and also have complex societies? How about the lions? Elephants are a good example too. Did you know horses are among the most affectionate animal? And dolphins!!....I ain't even gonna go there.

Balance is key as mentioned many times above. And also, did you know that there are plenty of lean meats to eat? Did you know they have certified organic meat available? Not only is protein important but other vitamins are, too.

Your post reminds me of the assholes that I have met in the past that say that technology should have never gotten this far. They tell me that technology is bad for whatever reason. I tell them to f-off because my hearing aids are technical!! You remind me of people like that, Taurus.:crazy:

Oh, and are you saying that Christ is bad cuz He ate fish? Lamb's? Cow's? God only know's what else.
I tend to agree, though not 100%.

Meat is necessary for some people, some of the time. I can't really go into all the possibilities right now. But me for example, I don't always have the time, or the money, to balance all my nutritional needs with vegetables alone. I also drink more milk because I have bone problems, and it is easier than finding calcium and such in other ways (plus I can get more of it, regardless).

I don't eat a lot of meat... in fact I rarely eat it, and when I do, it is usually small pieces mixed in with something else. I almost never eat one large piece, unless I have no choice and have to eat -something-.

I don't think a little meat in your stir fry once in a while is going to kill you (and it does taste good), but I do agree there are better ways than eating steaks every day.

I have necessary for meat. :lol:
I'm afraid you are wrong there. I've been anorexic in the past so I should know what anorexia is like. So then I decided to go vegan. My friend and neibour at the time talked me out of it though. So I ended up turning to drugs instead. I now wish I had stood my ground so I could have been vegan for 10 years longer. I am now Vegan and drug free. I am also no longer anorexic. You can even call me fat without me going into major slimming mode.

A person CAN live a healthy vegan diet without meat, fish, egg, dairy or honey. I do it all the time. I am no where near anorexic. I am going to vegan camp tommorrow. I know someone there who has been vegan all his life he is 33 now and in really good shape.

I can understand how you feel completely, Taurus.

I have been told "You are fucking skinny, eat more!", "OMG Ants!!!", "Help Spiders!", "Please turn on all of the lights, it's too dark!", "I need money NOW!", and keep going.. This does made me feel so angry when some of people are greedy, ego, and hatred. As speaking of Buddhism, I believe those three words, greedy, ego, and hatred, nobody can handle with those. But I will keep the religion out of this.

Anyway, I can tell everyone that I was very skinny because I want to leave more foods on the sale at the grocery for others. I am not scare of spiders and ants because they are actually much harmless that you think and it is absolute unnecessary to take the incests as big deal. I was poor because I know I don't need the money to be happy. I'd rather to live with less electric so that I can save much of the enviroments.

I really hope that ALL of people in the world would think the same thing and do the same thing.

Don't spoil with thing or money, spoil with happiness and love.

Ahh, that's nice of you to share ur story :D it is very interesting!
She's not anorexic,
she's orthorexic. She's has an unhealthy obsession for eating 'healthy' to the point that she overexcercises, and eats only a select of foods simply becuase they are healthy.

An orthorexic can exhibit similar behaviors of an anorexic, though the main difference is that in the orthorexic, there is no general fear of food - just a fear of foods that may be unhealthy.

I do know of one orthorexic that weighs 55 pounds and has been in and out of the hospital, and it is a guy.

As for the main topic, Taurus you are largely misguided on as to WHY you are vegan. If your vegan you need to do it for the right reasons, not because of the environmental scare.

I am not going to sit here and tell you not to be vegan because of this or that, it's not my place to do so. You're an adult, you're free to make your own decisions.

So please quit preaching to everyone that they need to be vegan. It is not your place to do so. You need to be focusing on finishing school, and seriously educating yourself.

I will ditto everything that has been said about having a balanced life, and respecting one's choice to be or not to be vegan.
She's not anorexic,
she's orthorexic. She's has an unhealthy obsession for eating 'healthy' to the point that she overexcercises, and eats only a select of foods simply becuase they are healthy.

An orthorexic can exhibit similar behaviors of an anorexic, though the main difference is that in the orthorexic, there is no general fear of food - just a fear of foods that may be unhealthy.

I do know of one orthorexic that weighs 55 pounds and has been in and out of the hospital, and it is a guy.

As for the main topic, Taurus you are largely misguided on as to WHY you are vegan. If your vegan you need to do it for the right reasons, not because of the environmental scare.

I am not going to sit here and tell you not to be vegan because of this or that, it's not my place to do so. You're an adult, you're free to make your own decisions.

So please quit preaching to everyone that they need to be vegan. It is not your place to do so. You need to be focusing on finishing school, and seriously educating yourself.

I will ditto everything that has been said about having a balanced life, and respecting one's choice to be or not to be vegan.

:squint: My weight is 160 pounds..

I have many reasons why I'm vegan.. BUT Mostly are for environment and animals..
I didnt say you were at an unhealthy weight. I am just saying that orthorexia can have it's devastating effects.
I don't care what you eat as long as you don't try to tell other people that you eat better than them, that x food is better than y food, etc.
I was just trying to share what I know is healthy and what isn't. My advice is research based, not opinion based. I have been involved in the field for many years and I have never seen a healthy "vegan", primarily because they refuse to do it correctly. True, you can get all amino acids through a very generous amount of complementary protein ingestion, but almost everyone who tries eventually gives up and decides to just eat whatever is easiest. Think about it, would you rather eat a small portion of a great variety of foods just to get a small amount of protein, or would you rather eat one small piece of chicken or fish? I thought so, and I agree.

Anyone can convince themselves they are healthy, no matter how unhealthy they really are. However, I know for a fact, through research and education (college, not Internet or magazines), what is really and actually healthy. This is my career; this is what I teach children. I do not appreciate being told that I am wrong when all I was trying to do was give advice. Frankly, if you take it offensively, its your fault; its your issue. YOU are the one who got offended. I did not post anything to offend anyone.

I respectfully bow out.