Why I am going through a tough/emotional situation

:hug: When I see you next month, we'll have a good time and forget about this for a few hours. What do ya say!?
Wednesday was a nightmare especially when I got home from work. When I walked in the door, all of my daughter's stuff that was packed in boxes were all in the living room. That took the breath out of me and I got all emotional but tried to keep my composure. My ex hubby told her that he was going to pick her up between 830 to 9. So all night, I tried to make it as much fun for all of us..we danced to music videos on TV, played a board game (epic fail because my 4 year old kept messing it up), and just talked as a family. Around 10 PM, they still hadnt came but my daughter told me that they were soon here. My hubby heard the doorknob turn and was ready to attack my ex hubby for not knocking but it was my brother (he had plans to stay overnight to go to an appt the next day anyway). Then just a minute after my brother arrived, my ex hubby's girlfriend arrived. No sign of him anywhere..she said that he couldnt manuvear the moving van in my neighborhood so my hubby and my brother took the boxes to her car. When she finally said bye, I broke down.

Thursday was very very difficult. For the first time in my life, I had a near panic attack and it happened at work but I made it through the day.

Now, I am doing better..laughing and doing things but with a void in my heart. I just have to learn to live with it.


:hug: shel. I know you miss your daughter and all but I'm glad you were able to hold yourself together thru the day. It can't have been easy.
:hug: Shel; I don't know what to say except that you appear to have your head on straight which can't be easy.
I want to say something really positive, but I can't seem to find the right words. Just know that I do admire you Shel and I know you will be stronger because of this whole thing. Stay true to your heart and your beliefs and know that with time it will get better. In her own way she does love you very much and I feel that she is probably a little scared by going into something new and not being totally sure what to expect.
Wow, you are very brave by letting her go. Remember you are a wonderful mother, always. :) (((((((((hug)))))))
Thanks everyone...for me to heal, I keep busy. I thank god that I have my son, brother and my hubby...without them, I am sure I would feel lonely and depressed but then again, if I didnt have them, I probably would have moved to AZ too.
shel :hug: I cannot fathom what you are going through. I cannot imagine my own daughter just upping and leaving to go live with her father after she had spent all of her life with me. If there's anything I can do, let me know. I've got an ear to lend, and a shoulder you can cry on if you need it. :)
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Here's a big hug from me.

:hug: <3
I'm not good with words but feel with you... here's a special :hug: for you Shel!

I read on the other thread that you were able to clean up the garden! :h5:: Just hang in there and you got this thread if you want to vent
I'm not good with words but feel with you... here's a special :hug: for you Shel!

I read on the other thread that you were able to clean up the garden! :h5:: Just hang in there and you got this thread if you want to vent

I am beyond venting unless a new situation comes up in which my ex hubby creates drama which I hope he doesnt because after 10 years of it, I want it over.

I am really ok today..I am surprised that I was able to recover as quickly as I could. My hubby thought it would take me two or more weeks for me to get back to my old self. I am almost there but just with a void in my heart.

Thanks, JamieLynn!
No one said life was easy or fair eh, sometimes it down right sucks, espcially when it involves our precious children. No matter what the outcome is, you will get through this. I am afraid all I can do to help is offer you my support here at AD and some virtual ((((HUGS)))).
Here's another :hug:

How is Nathan coping?

It's great your brother is moving in and therefore will keep the void somewhat filled.
Of course there's a void in your heart! It wouldn't be "normal" if you weren't feeling this way... You will have days where you feel good and there will be days where all you want to do is cry your eyes out. Just let it all out because keeping it inside isn't good either, but don't let sadness win the upper hand! I trust your hubby to take good care of you when you feel down. Maybe your son will be able to cheer you up too - which I'm practically sure he will... all you need is a big smile and a "I love you mummy, please don't cry" just to help you get through this...

I though wonder how your son is feeling about his sister no longer being around... I'm not trying to be nosey here ;)
It's heart-breaking whenever a parent loses a child, whether it's from separation, death, illness, whatever. Assure urself everyday, that ur daughter is fine! Call each other often....just to say "I miss you"! How is everything?...I feel that both of you will grow tremendously from this experience....Time is a healer...but remmy she isn't gone forever...she will be back.
It's heart-breaking whenever a parent loses a child, whether it's from separation, death, illness, whatever. Assure urself everyday, that ur daughter is fine! Call each other often....just to say "I miss you"! How is everything?...I feel that both of you will grow tremendously from this experience....Time is a healer...but remmy she isn't gone forever...she will be back.

Yea, I have to keep reminding myself that my situation isnt like my former high school friend who lost two children...a 5 year old back in 2002 and a 9 month old back in 2004. My situation doesnt even compare at all. I cant imagine what she must have gone through. She just had a baby last year and I hope her son grows up.