Why do people hate soccer moms so much?

You got it.

I hate soccer moms blog

You should be able to read this blog.

there you go. the writer admitted that he has an anger issue. Chance is he's a very bitter person with illogical view on any trivial thing.

Take it with a very small grain of salt. :)
That could make soccer practice very interesting!

I have an acquaintance whose husband had an affair with another cub scout leader and left her. It was quite the scandal.
My two nieces both are playing soccer. I asked their mother about this. She says she never heard of it. So, I guess every individual (mothers) are different.
Yes, I've heard comments about this. I live in an area full of soccer moms. All of them are blonde, have acrylic nails and starve themselves to be a size 0/2.

We're a more academically-oriented family. We do science fair. I'm a cub scout leader, too.

LOL I don't have blonde hair. I dont have Acrylic nails. I am not in the category of the size 0/2. WHEW! :giggle: I start to understand what OP mean about it.
from a dictionary online.

soccer mom


An American mother living in the suburbs whose time is often spent transporting her children from one athletic activity or event to another.
Yes, I've heard comments about this. I live in an area full of soccer moms. All of them are blonde, have acrylic nails and starve themselves to be a size 0/2.

We're a more academically-oriented family. We do science fair. I'm a cub scout leader, too.

My family is like that too. Several members of my family have majored in medical related fields. My niece who is a biologist wanted to become a doctor at first but later changed her mind.

If I go somewhere special, I'm getting acrylic nails cuz I have thyroid disease and I never can get my real nails to grow long as they break too easily. I'm not anywhere near size 2! :giggle: Nor am I blond. I used to be blond when I was very young but my hair is now turning silvery though it's still dark in the back.
there you go. the writer admitted that he has an anger issue. Chance is he's a very bitter person with illogical view on any trivial thing.

Take it with a very small grain of salt. :)

He did have quite a screen name....:giggle:
Here in my area we have something called "Hockey Moms" instead. They have big SUVs and loads of equipment, and are often driving in snow.
I just read the blog. Now, I understand where that person is coming from. I have seen women like the ones the blogger has described. I dont hate them but I do think they look like fools trying to be someone they arent. Time to move on.