Why do people become atheists?

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jazzy said:
Beautiful. :)

I have a story for u to share about my husband's bad experince with this pastor on fishing trip years ago. My Christian friend invited my husband to join with him and his Christian buddies from church to go on fishing trip. At that time my husband had a long hair which I lasked him to grow for me cuz I love long hair on man ( I guess bec of jesus with long hair). Anyway during the trip, everyone put money on the pot for anyone who got biggest fish to win the money. My husband was fishing next to this pastor, he was being very rude to my husband because of the way my husband look. Anyway, my husband got many fishes and got one biggest fish. This pastor got so upset about it and kicked my husband's bucket to make it fall because he won the pot. My husband never was so surprised how bad act on this pastor so he never went back to any events that Church provide or attending one. He stays to himself since then, even many christian friends to this day try to bring him, he won't. It was all becasue of this attiude toward him from this pastor. This kind of judgement is considering abuse to me.

Also many of them are gaybashers, not u but I know couples are like that.

Thanks for sharin' this with me. I totally understand your whole situation. FYI, I do like men with long hair, too. lol God don't count the looks on the outside, but inside the heart. It's sad to see that the pastor's example shows obviously and it's not good example for others to see. This will bring " gossip " by influencin' the negative thoughts. That's not good.

I stopped attendin' church in Haines, Alaska when I used to live there. There were gossiped around about the Pastor who was havin' an affair with another woman while he was married to his wife. Gee - that town was sooo small... approximately 2, 400 overpopulation, but I love that town -- so beautiful scenery out there, but sadly I stopped attendin' that church. It was really embarrassin' and how it affected me.

I moved on to another direction and attended to a different church. I met a new lady who knows sign language. I was amazed to find that she could interpret for me in that new church ( in Haines, Alaska ). We became friends and even, exchanged our email addresses. lol

My life was all so good and still is. :)
True, I known some pastors are very unchristlikeness. Many study the word last minute, without even take a moment with the Lord in prayer for guidance. We who are a christian, need to pray daily, not just for others, but also urself what He wants to do in ur life that others may see your life. Even u feel God upset with u bec u made a mistake, its not so. He will correct u with His love and work in you. Hahaha wanna hear the christian song, WE ARE JESUS FREAKS!!!! Its not mean negative, itmeans we are crazy about Jeus, He's the best!!!! His love is beyond measures. Yeah, tragic, many christians condemn homosexualities and using the bible verses to miss the point why its been written. Jesus died for those who living in homosexuals too. And He enable them to be more like Him, many have giving up or commit suicide bec thinking God gave them up as misquoting in Romans chapter 1. Jesus talked about those who do such thing by condemning them will be also judge for their wrong behavior. That's a tragic and damaging christian testimony by condemning others. Gods work in all the believers in Christ, I mean ALL. NO EXCEPTIONS. Keep the faith stronger and face the challenges and that will be a great rewards, even u fall, He still lift u up. AMEN!!!!! Smile
hottiedeafboi said:
True, I known some pastors are very unchristlikeness. Many study the word last minute, without even take a moment with the Lord in prayer for guidance. We who are a christian, need to pray daily, not just for others, but also urself what He wants to do in ur life that others may see your life. Even u feel God upset with u bec u made a mistake, its not so. He will correct u with His love and work in you. Hahaha wanna hear the christian song, WE ARE JESUS FREAKS!!!! Its not mean negative, itmeans we are crazy about Jeus, He's the best!!!! His love is beyond measures. Yeah, tragic, many christians condemn homosexualities and using the bible verses to miss the point why its been written. Jesus died for those who living in homosexuals too. And He enable them to be more like Him, many have giving up or commit suicide bec thinking God gave them up as misquoting in Romans chapter 1. Jesus talked about those who do such thing by condemning them will be also judge for their wrong behavior. That's a tragic and damaging christian testimony by condemning others. Gods work in all the believers in Christ, I mean ALL. NO EXCEPTIONS. Keep the faith stronger and face the challenges and that will be a great rewards, even u fall, He still lift u up. AMEN!!!!! Smile

Yup, you got it right ! My faith still stands and my faith will not sway by some people's insultin' or whatsoever. Jesus is my foundation for my faith to stay strong. :thumb:
My personal suspicion is those people have underdeveloped frontal temporal lobes, which is the " seat" of our beliefs..


ps that doesn't mean of course they are 'retards'.. just that their belief centre is not developed enough to convince them into believing in God. Very much like some people have it developed so much they can " feel" God.
Thank you for share your interesting points here in my thread. I would like to add some of your points in my post.

To my opinion, Atheists beleive in positive things, not without proof. Atheists do not force their opinion to anything but trust their hearts what they beleive or not. It's about how they feel, their plans and their own desires. Is it selfish? Is it Sinful or what? Yes I can see that religions beliefs use Bible quotes as a weapon to prove everyone wrong or tell them go to hell etc.

I notice some of religions beliefs label atheists as Satan, Sinful or whatever and will go hell when they die because Atheists choose to not beleive in God or neutral to any religions. Why? That's just because Atheists choose to lost their beleif after focus their own religious beliefs or any other beliefs and learn that God is not exist? Yes we're like everybody who don't beleive or worship anything but do what people do. Its about fact of life. Atheistist are not bad people who never say anything bad about God but simple not beleive in God for many reasons...

I have a question for you which you prefer "Trust or Belief"? I decide for Trust because the trust in healthy relationships are the most important than worship any religions...

Am I an Atheists because I beleive in God and Jesus, not Bible and any religions? Please answer? I would love to hear your answer to my question. After read this link, I beleive that I'm an Atheist because I have no Bible belief in me but God and Jesus. Please correct if I am mistake or not. I have good reason for not do what Bible says but psychology. I respect your right to beleive whatever you wish... To me, I'm neutral to any beliefs.

Religions Beliefs claimed that Atheists are criminals etc which it's not true... There're also religions beliefs who are crime as well... Example about molesting children etc.

Yes I born and raised by atheists parents. My Dad grew up by strict and Roman Catholic family with strong belief and turn him into gambler and his brothers are also no angel as well... Huh? (He's now ex-gambler). Dad was being forced to baptist all of his children including me into Roman Catholic. Dad has no interesting to expose me and my sibling into beleifs like what his parents exposed him and his siblings.
CyberRed said:
The only problem is that they ( atheists ) don't want to TRY God themselves with all their hearts, not through all their heads to think of challengin' against Christians or let's just say they call the Christians a " bible thumpers ". Jesus is not interested in debatin' or arguin'. All He ever wants athesits to BELIEVE in Him and TRY Him through readin' the bible/prayin' to communicate with Him as personal relationship -- just like you would with wife or husband/ bf or gf.

Athesits : Be patience with Him and leave your heart a room for Him to come in by confessin' your sins to Him. He will work His Way out from there with you. That's your decision to invite Him in your heart. :)

No, you can't make people want to try God themselves because they should not being force to try or beleive anything but trust their own heart. Its about FOCUS the truth. It look like they had been tried until they found the truth. You focus the truth thru your Bible and beleive in your heart that your Bible is the true word of God which others not. Remember, everyone are different.

Neecy, Rose & XBGMER made good points in their first and few other posts.
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jazzy said:
I remembered why I became atheist for short time, when my son came back from Sunday school and told me lightening means God is angry. I can not believe anyone told a lie to my child. Never trust Christian teachers or preachers.

I did not found God, God found me and stay with me since then.

Yeah I has similar problem as you as well.

Religion teacher complaint to us that our son Danny kept on question her all the time and focus something and said back to her etc. I know Danny is not only one who says this but his friends as well but History teacher including Evolution don't complaint about Danny and don't mind to answer many of his questions.

(I know Danny ask religion teacher too many question to compare what he learn from history teacher over evolution issues).

Anyway we told religion teacher that we can't see any wrong for have Danny to ask many questions because my both boys loves to focus something and ask alot of questions. It shows that Danny is interesting about this... Religion teacher said nothing.

Now you see that my both boys beleive Evolution because religion teacher doesn't satisfy my boys questions enough but history teacher does.

Danny received good report for history and bad report for religion. :roll: I told Danny to not worry about this and tried to positive him to respect religion teacher, no matter what.
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netrox said:
For me, salvation through a diety is superstitious and illogical. Many religions sacrificed animals or people to cleanse their "sins." Jesus was claimed to be sin-less and since he died for you, he "sacrificed" for you. In the Old Testament (and many other religions as well), animals were slaughtered as sacrifices to their gods.

Common sense indicates that the only true salvation is forgiveness. Additionally, we all should be responsible for our own actions.

Good Point!
Reba said:
The animal sacrifices by the faithful in the Old Testament represented the final sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The sacrifices of the animals were not meant to cleanse the penalty of sin. They were "stand-ins" for the real Lamb sacrifice. Since Jesus was sacrificed, animal sacrifice is no longer necessary because "it is finished."

To me, it's cruel to sacrifice innoncent lamb because lamb is baby... I can't image that God would be please with it.

I remember from read the bible that Eve & Adam have 2 sons... One killed lamb to sacrifice God and his brother sacrifice fruits to God. God pleased with lamb, not fruit. Why?
neecy said:
I disagree that we "Don't want to try." I tried. - I couldn't get my questions answered in a satisfactory way - answers I received just lead to more questions. In the end, I realized that organized religion wasn't (and never will be) for me.

That's an exactly what my both sons did. I also tried as well and learn that the bible is word of man, not God.
Liebling...I think you are confused with the word "atheist"...in the dictionary
it says...a belief that there is no God. So I would assume that YOU dont believe in God at all so how can you say you believe in God and Jesus?? Im confused here...doesnt matter whether you dont read the Bible or not. I dont go to any church but that dont mean im an atheist! thats because i do believe in God.
I think you are a very confused person, or you are confusing us...Do you really believe in God or not??? If you do, then you are NOT an atheist.
I believe in God and Jesus but im confused with all these different kinds of
religions cuz they all so different in their teachings so i just dont go to any
church..i just read my Bible and say my own prayers. I know in my heart that God understands and accepts me for what im doing. I know i will go to Heaven.
Try to clarify your word usage of "atheist"...Are you an atheist or not?...
I'm glad u point that out, and not percieve inwhat this life is all about. The truth is we can't use as "feel" God or "feel" the faith. Feeling is a dangerous thing if only u rely on and also emotions. That's not how that works. As of old testatment mentioned, people follow what is right on their own eyes and end to destructions. Many got the wrong idea how we see of God, many believes like God is jealous God is not the same jealous we react. Anger of God is not the same anger we got. Sin itself is causing the destructions, that's why God provide a way for us to be with Him, Holiness destroy sins, as like Moses saw the glimpses of God, but can't see His face, John and Isaiah saw the vision how they see God, couldn't look at it and said we re dead, bec He is tooo Holy, and our sins expose which will destroy us. Now u may think God is cruel by sacrifice animals. Called animal cruelty, which is not so. I don't know if psycological by watching animated movies and etc make it picture how animals are. God made animals for a purpose. Now, the reason God chose Abel over Cain bec fruit will not cover our sins, the blood is. Has to be pure and innocent. Thru the old testament sacrifice is done by Jesus Christ, bec He is a sacrificial Lamb, for substitutionary death to pay our sin debt in full, bec He is sinless, innocent. Now, my daughter learned evolutions too as long with the bible. The scientist couldn't answer my daughter bec, scientist said that my daughter sure do have a point. Its not how smart is the point, the point is what's this life is all about. God left us a choice, either receive Him or reject Him. Yes, tragic, many christians example isn't what God call them to do, and I'm a very strong believer of God, The Father, The Son Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit. The Triune God, not gods. Not religion, but reality. God doesn't force someone to believe, neither can I. The Bible is used in many ways, God breathed in man to write, spoke verbally, spoke thru creations and etc and some are written by those who have witnessed. Many times Jesus ask, have u not read? And also, in some laws is bec stubborness of man. But like circumcision is of God to the hebrews, but in Christ, flesh circumcision not necessary, those who arein Christ we are cicumcised in heart, meaning set apart. Not all christians are the same. I do thank the Lord for put me in the position for me to stick my nose in the Word and carefully not some who pervert it to lead doubt and confusions. Many follow man, must make sure if its balance teaching and relyon Holy Spirit.as I see, the whole scripture is God's Love letters to us, and teaching also. Its a beautiful thing, and yes, some point not understand, at first all those old testaments I don't get it, I begin to see what God is saying. No, I will never understand completely till God calls me Home to be with Him forever and ever, not based on what I do, its based on my faith in Christ who Himself did on the cross paid my sin debt in full and conquered death, helland sin. And rose from the dead on the 3rd day and be with the Father afterward. I ll sing and shout the victory and sing HOLY HOLY HOLY is the Lord. Amen!!! Smile
Liebling:-))) said:
To me, it's cruel to sacrifice innoncent lamb because lamb is baby... I can't image that God would be please with it.
Are you a vegetarian?

I remember from read the bible that Eve & Adam have 2 sons... One killed lamb to sacrifice God and his brother sacrifice fruits to God. God pleased with lamb, not fruit. Why?
Because the "fruit" sacrifice did not obey God's command that only a blood sacrifice could satisfy the penalty of sin. The true blood sacrifice was Jesus Christ. The animal blood sacrifices were following the "type" that God established to represent Jesus' sacrifice. "Fruit" disobeys that "type."

When God establishes a type, humans can't decide to change them. That is disobedience. Cain and Abel both knew the sacrifice requirement. One obeyed, one disobeyed.
Defee said:
Liebling...I think you are confused with the word "atheist"...in the dictionary

No, I'm not confused. I know what atheist is. I already said in my first thread that atheist choose to not beleive in God for many reasons which means is they think bible is fake, beleifs fakes, etc...

it says...a belief that there is no God. So I would assume that YOU dont believe in God at all so how can you say you believe in God and Jesus?? Im confused here...doesnt matter whether you dont read the Bible or not. I dont go to any church but that dont mean im an atheist! thats because i do believe in God.

I post in different threads that I beleive God and Jesus, not Bible because Bible is man's word, not God's word.

That's why I create a thread here to ask anyone question either I'm an atheist or not because I beleive only God and Jesus, NOT bible or any reglious. Some Christians said in other threads that I will go hell if I do not follow what the bible says. It makes them think I don't beleive God because I don't beleive Bible. I tried to tell them that I beleive God and Jesus only, not Bible but they mix God with Bible because Bible is word of God.

I think you are a very confused person, or you are confusing us...Do you really believe in God or not??? If you do, then you are NOT an atheist.
I believe in God and Jesus but im confused with all these different kinds of
religions cuz they all so different in their teachings so i just dont go to any
church..i just read my Bible and say my own prayers. I know in my heart that God understands and accepts me for what im doing. I know i will go to Heaven.
Try to clarify your word usage of "atheist"...Are you an atheist or not?...

No there're no confusion but ask question. I speak of psychology way.

I already said in previous posts that I beleive God and Jesus in my heart, NOT bible and regligions. Reglious beliefs do not like to hear it when I said that I don't beleive Bible and any religions but God and Jesus. That's why I ask you all question either I'm an atheist or not because I don't beleive bible.

Yes I was taught to learn about the bible... I enjoy myself to read bible as "history" but it doesn't mean that I have to do what the bible says.

I hope this post make sense?

I will create a new thread later how I feel about Bible.
Liebling:-))) said:
... Atheists do not force their opinion to anything but trust their hearts what they beleive or not. It's about how they feel, their plans and their own desires. ...
Jeremiah 17: 9
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

Psalm 10:3-4
3 For the wicked boasteth of his heart's desire, and blesseth the covetous, whom the LORD abhorreth. 4 The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts.
Liebling:-))) said:
...I already said in previous posts that I beleive God and Jesus in my heart, NOT bible and regligions...That's why I ask you all question either I'm an atheist or not because I don't beleive bible...
Here's your answer:

One who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods.

Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

According to the dictionary and your statement, then you are not an atheist.
Well, for not reading the bible doesn't mean u will go to hell, its not true. But it will starve ur spiritual life, the bible is the nourishment for ur spirit. Without the bible, u will have weak foundation. How can u believe Jesus, but not the bible. It doesn't work that way. But as of encouraging, try to read the bible and ask God for guidance and it does take time for u to understand just like a child u train the child to read, and same way God will show u thru His Word. Forget about what others are saying, u won't succeed in christian faith by not reading the bible, but must ask God to help u to understand. At first its hard, and I begin to understand step by step and now understand, but its not complete, bec I'm still learning everyday life and what applied from the Word, I tell u, its wonderful. God doesn't want u to hestitate. Giving it a time. You will see.
It is a puzzlement to me how someone can say, "I believe God and Jesus" but not believe God's Word. How can we know God and Jesus if we don't read the messages that They send us? If we don't believe what God tells us in His Bible, then we call God and Jesus liars. If They are liars, then how can anyone believe Them? It doesn't make sense.

I think an atheist who says, "I don't believe the Bible, AND I don't believe in God or Jesus" actually makes more sense than someone who says he/she believes God BUT he/she doesn't believe His Book. At least the atheist is consistant.
Hahahaha Reba, twice u message sent the same time I did, which is the same message, lol. Smile. The Spirit of the Lord is the one did the work. Smile
I´m not surprised to get an answer from you, Reba & hottiedeafboi because I know it make no sense when I say that I beleive God and Jesus, not Bible.

It´s hard for me for not beleive in God and Jesus because they are strong in me. I guess because I was raised to believe where I come from and bible etc... from school and different beliefs. I grew up with Jehovah withness students. It´s them who taught me about the bible which different as Roman Catholic and other bibles. I didn´t know anything about Scriptures until JW taught me... I wondering to myself why didn´t Roman Catholic and other beliefs tell me about Scriptures? It began to confuse me slowly... until I met my hubby and live in Germany. I was busy to focus my new life to neglect bibles for a long time but I thought all the time that bible is from God´s word until I learn the truth from forums last year....... I learn from Germans about Evolution and total surprised that they were taught to beleive Evolution which opposite to me... We debated alot until I has to give them right because there´re many proofs where the bible doesn´t.

I lost my faith to bible because I realized that it´s not God´s word but man´s word. Yes I beleive it´s scriputures is from God & Jesus´s word but the authors use scriputures to translate in different way.

Yes my hubby and boys are athestic... I thought sometimes that I might become an athestic one day.

I know for long time that people blames God or Satan for make them into bad behavior, crimes, etc... They often says that it´s Satan who rule the earth to get people into bad etc... until I learn about psychology thru parental conference that´s time I was pregnant with first child at 13 years ago. I start to depend on psychology more and more... to learn where bad behavior comes from... I realized it´s not God or Satan but humans themselves thru good or bad background/enviorment etc... I thank psychology to help me to understand more which the bible doesn´t.
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