Why CI Astronauts needed to Space Mission


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Mar 4, 2010
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The Space Colony must have CI Astronauts for a single reason. Basically, weightless environment causes space motion sickness. Vestibular system detects balance by sense of linear acceleration (gravity) and rotation signals. In weightless environment, linear acceleration exists very short periods of time when astronauts are trying to change their direction. The direction of acceleration changes frequently unlikely mono-direction gravity environment. It causes more frequent rotation signals than rotation signals on Earth. After modification, this confusion could not be damped because gravity does not exist! The equivalent situation is that you rotated on chair 50 times and you don't have ground for lying! So it drives astronauts to nausea frequently.

CI can be solution of space motion sickness.

First, CI used to provide hearing experience for Deaf, now, trying to provide balance. If rotation signals are ignored and linear acceleration signals are always provided by CI, astronauts would senses the world is rotated by one's force. It would reserves enhanced attention on space environment, CI Astronauts must have awesome performance than Natural Astronauts.

Development of bionic ear engineering would makes CI completely implanted in someone's head, and endures heavy load due to acceleration.