Why are zombies/stories so popular?????

One of my least favorite subjects: the walking dead.

Some people don't have many life interests.

Don't you suppose?
People like to be scared. Personally, based upon no research whatsoever, I think fear of zombies comes from the same sort of place as something like fear of rabies. Person contracts illness, becomes aggressive and unthinking and attacks and bites, and anyone who is bitten also contracts that illness. Also, anyone that far along with rabies is basically the walking dead; they'll be gone in a few days.

We have deep gut instinctual fears of things like spiders. I think we have the same instinctual fears of things like rabies. So zombies probably play on those fears, and that's what makes them scary! (To my mind, at least)

I actually never thought they were scary until I saw the movie Rec. It was the first horror movie that genuinely scared me.
I am in mood to watch some old movies but all i see is zombies movies over and over. those very much same shows are on over and over for over a year!
interesting question, ...and....i suspect ...it might lie an explanation for mass killing??
glorifying it, rationalising it??
i mean like
the underlying message in these films is saying
life is cheap....
i dunno
I think people just like to know they can fend off savage attacks.
But the truth is... humans are pretty defenseless compared to other animals like tigers, bears, wolves..
this is what happens when you're rich and bored... all safe inside your cocoon from the "real world".

if you live in Israel or South Africa.... you wouldn't be amused by zombies crap because you deal with actual real life warzones on daily basis.
recommendation - make a run to your nearest museum and head toward to medieval age section. Go Braveheart!

Much of my childhood was spent in a church that developed out of the "Great Disappointment." Many people back then thought the end of the world would be October 22, 1844.

Didn't happen so they abandoned that idea and went off with some new ones . . . .

It was just last year that Harold Camping was getting all that press! Give up looking for Jesus - turn to another religion. Give up on some sort of religious prediction - turn to astronomy (or, astrology). Give up on some astronomical alignment or meteor hurtling at Earth - turn to something else!

I mean, the end will happen to each of us. It may have been more interesting scenario to go with Jonestown or Krakatoa or My Lai.
One of my least favorite subjects: the walking dead.

Some people don't have many life interests.

Don't you suppose?

That's a favorite show of mine and I got my Dad hooked, so it's his now too. We like it for the story. I've never been a fan of zombies and I've never understood the attraction. I prefer Werewolves myself, but this is the first zombie story I ever liked and got hooked quite by accident. I really enjoy the show and the behind the scenes segments, but it's not for everyone...or for meal time watching....:eek3:

Well, I wasn't thinking about the TV show.

. . . just a definition of "zombi" or "zombie."

You know, I think this fear come from followers of Voodoo - they have a big zombie aspect to that religion. Maybe that's where it started from?
