Why are some happy and some miserable ?

My attitude sometimes is the key to being unhappy or happy for me. I sometimes find myself having an attitude about something and when I change it, it turns out to be a cool thing
You will have another question to ask... How many times have you heard of bunch of potheads without involvement of any other dope including alcoholic beverage ever started fighting each other? I personally socialized with pothead, and they smoke and never ran into problem, most of the time they are pretty much in merrier mood.

Bars? Taverns? places like that, I stay away from them for a damn long time. I don't want to be part of any fights and deal with cops.

Is that plant make you happy? :hmm:
Trainman? If you are really a trainman then it does make sense... You can only travel on rail to experience what's going on the rail only, and you won't be able to get off the rail to explore out where there is no rail exists to experience, that part IS what you are missing!