Why an Unmade Bed Is Healthier

well , i dont make my bed often.. once in while if need when someone come over for spend the night, make my bedroom look so neatly... yeah i heard about unmake bed is healthy.. i know that dustmites loves crawling in cool and moisture area like under the blanket since it made bed! shrugs.. i used have plm with breathing when my bed made and can't sleep as well , turn around too much, so i gave up with making bed , so i got finally sleep since dont make bed :D

Oh, that's made my morning! It's very nice to know there's benefits in having an unmade bed. Wonder what my mother will say about this? Probably will have a disgusted look on her face. :lol:
Heres the pics of my bed blankets on the shelves and my bed itself. That's the way my bed has been made the past 15 yrs (cumulative, not straight 15 yrs).



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ever since this thread was made and printed... my mom has finally BACKED OFF.. i now no longer have to put up with her daily nags to make my bed!!!

for making a MAJOR DIFFERENCE! :hug:
I almost NEVER make my bed beside change the sheets. My adopted mom taught me to make bed...I did that till when I moved out on my own, I stopped doing that. :giggle: If I have company coming over, I'll make sure every beds in my house is bed made and look nice.
I almost never make my bed, it's messy as well. :P I make it when I GO to sleep. :P
^^I see both of u, Feisty and Meggie do the same thing that I do. :P
Fiesty Chick & Meg, See you shot me down for being a perv on the Dial Up Sex thread. Now you have Sequoias trying to show you some WOOD. :rofl: You two have really been getting hit on for the last 2 days huh?? :rofl:
Just teasing with you ladies... :nana:
If only I have seen this article when I was 12-present, then i would print it off and show or even read it out loud to my residential counsellor who DEMANDS the bed to be made in the morning til I was maybe hmm 15 or 16 when i stopped making it, (rebellious year!!) but i make them if they ask me nicely. But now at home, I NEVER MAKE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol I love the feeling of snuggling up in my blankets that are not made and comfortable for me.. hehe
will unmade beds cure coughs? Every morning, I get dry throat from sleeping.