Why am I sick again?!


New Member
Feb 25, 2006
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Sighs* I am so frustrated right now.
On the verge of tears. Hub took a second job.
Which is great! But I just get all healed up
from being extremely sick a month before. Now,
it seems like I am relapsing. Chills, and extremely sore
throat AGAIN! I am suppose to go to my Grandmother's tomorrow
but I am a bit worried. I have something, and I don't want her getting
sick again. She is just now starting to get stronger. I don't understand
why I am sick AGAIN! .....I am not going to be on for a while again (long sigh).
All of our girls are gone for the night. I am going back to bed.
Pray hard for me? That this is short lived, or that they will give me meds again
tomorrow. I don't want it to be as bad as the last time. Being sick sucks...
especially when you have kids to deal with.
I second! Just hang it there. We all go thru consequences. Your the only one that knows. Just figure it out from time to time. Hey, youre not the only one that is going thru what you been going thru. Dont worry. Try to grow preservance and patience. Hang it there.