who will be next new president of Gallaudet University?


New Member
Jun 1, 2006
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Wonder any you know who would guess that will be next new president of Gallaudet University which would be begin on January 1, 2010 after interim president was stepped down from his term.
It is kind of early to say.

But I guess Dr. Ronald Stern, currently Superintendent of the New Mexico School for the Deaf will be appointed the next President of Gallaudet University?
It is kind of early to say.

But I guess Dr. Ronald Stern, currently Superintendent of the New Mexico School for the Deaf will be appointed the next President of Gallaudet University?

I have not been to New Mexico in a long time, even when I visited my sister and my son for a month almost nearly three years ago. I am wondering if Dr. Ronald Stern is Deaf, not hearing please. If he is Deaf, then I hope he would make the next president of Gallaudet Univerisity. That would be great. But if he is hearing, then the students at the Gallaudet University will have a problem with his opinions and what he want to change the university. I have no idea who I want someone to be the next president because I agree with Brian that it is too early. I still hope we can find a Deaf president. :fingersx:
Why is that so important? I don't give crap about president thing. Until I see more deaf students graduate than drop-out too many.
Because a deaf president at Gally can serve as a reminder that if the deaf students put their minds to it they to can have lucrative jobs in their lives too. One doesn't have to be hearing to run a university. He just has to have knowledge and common sense and a tenacity to get things accomplished on and off campus.
I have not been to New Mexico in a long time, even when I visited my sister and my son for a month almost nearly three years ago. I am wondering if Dr. Ronald Stern is Deaf, not hearing please. If he is Deaf, then I hope he would make the next president of Gallaudet Univerisity. That would be great. But if he is hearing, then the students at the Gallaudet University will have a problem with his opinions and what he want to change the university. I have no idea who I want someone to be the next president because I agree with Brian that it is too early. I still hope we can find a Deaf president. :fingersx:

Ronald Stern is Deaf (not deaf or hearing). He might be a good choice, if not great. I have no idea who candidates are as of now applying for the position yet.

He even has a deaf son who attended Gally, too... think he graduated last year or this time by the way.
Sorry I didn't see your question earlier, Bebonang.

Adding to what Web730 just posted. Dr. Stern's daughter is Shoshannah Stern, a well-known actress in Hollywood. She is Deaf as well.
I will find out ok. But I got 'Academy Suspend' I re-admission to fill it again. I hope that I will get back to Gallaudet University. Because I fail my ALT 70 the class.

I not worry about it. I need to go get Learning Disability test and find out what is wrong me the reading when I had a problem.