Who is this??? lol


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Nov 19, 2006
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In the middle of his honeymoon, the young Cajun bridegroom left his bride back at the hotel and shows up at his parents house completely distraught. His father asks him, "Son, why you not with you bride on you honeymoon?"

The boy replies, "Daddy I was jus' gettin ready to love my bride when she tell me she want me to know she a virgin. So I come to ask what do I do?"

The father says, "Boy don' be tellin me you don' know what do wid a womin, specially a virgin."

The boy says, "Daddy, course I knows what to do wid a woman, but dis be ma wife."

The father says, "So what difference dis make?"

To which the son says, "Well daddy, I jus got to figure if she ain't good nuff for her own family she
shore ain't good enough for ours."