Who have VPAD with Wireless, USB and SD card, etc..

No matter, USB or SD Wireless can plug VPAD but VPAD did not have driver, you know any hwardware must disk or cd driver into hwardware, VPAD don't have disk or cd driver, I know Viable will upgrade add driver into USB Flash then USB flash to VPAD same like Disk or cd driver or firmware

It is standard WiFi plug in... I don't care about "ugly", only functionality. Beside, it is designed for PDA that doesnt have WiFi. 802.11b works perfectly with Webcam usage.

I checked out Eye-Fi before but it is for camera only which updates your photos to websites.. Not for normal usage..

I understand. Wifi device won't work for all PDA due o/s. Eye-Fi still better than Wifi only. I know Eye-Fi is for digital camera only but point about price ;)

Never know if hack firmware/driver to arrive Eye-Fi work on PDA.
I already know. I learned that from almost two years ago. Dont need to explained to me again but thank
Did you get USB Wireless on VPAD yet?
if yes, please go computer drive, what say name of driver?
right now, there is new firmware out that improve. Yet, I wish I had VPAD with me to find out what's "afterlife" is like.
I got upgrade 0.3.6 rev.3205
what up aobut it? bug? fix? add?
Final work USB Wireless not from Anygate XM-152