Who had a MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) infection?


New Member
Mar 3, 2003
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Last October, I had developed skin infection (Cellulitis and it related diabetic) from MRSA on both legs and the infection had been gone since taking a drug treatment (Antibiotics), using a Cetaphil antibacterial soap and lotion. My dermatologist said some antibacterial products such as dial, and softsoap don't work and had recommended Cetaphil . The reason I made a thread is that I wanted to know if a damaged skin or look-like rash skin is going away or clear or back to normal skin.
For those that don't know, MRSA stands for Methicillin-Resistent Staph Aureas. Staph aureas is a common bacteria that lives on everybody's skin. On the skin, it's harmless, but when it gets into an open wound it can be dangerous. Over time, the staph bacteria mutated and have become resistant to MOST antibiotics. It can be a very dangerous infection and can kill. I've never had MRSA, but I have had other infections that were resistent to antibiotics and could have been deadly for me. Most of the time, MRSA is found in hospitalized or recently hospitalized patients. The way to prevent staph infections (both resisent and non-resistent staph) is to WASH YOUR HANDS! Also, if you have a wound that looks red or becomes painful, get it checked out asap.
