Who are you guys going to vote for in 2004?


New Member
Jun 2, 2003
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I am going to vote for Howard Dean. I wasn't old enough to vote for whoever I wanted. Now I am old enough to vote since I am going to be 21 on July 25, 2004. I don't want Bush to win again :fu2: because he tried to cut overtime pay claiming to save business money but I am glad the bill is vetoed. Also he fucked everything up like Jeremy said.

I want everyone to have better lives in USA with more job offers and etc.
I am going to vote for Bush to continues the sage on Iraq and Oh-Bastard-Loser.
:type: its toss up for me, but i am voting for Bush again until Dean can convience me that his democratic party is mature enuff to handle the office.... then maybe I'll consider Dean... i'm not really happy with some of Bush's agenda...
Of course, I knew myself for not vote for any Republic President. Unable to break my confidence in Democrat the Donkey.
i'm voting for Bush.. because he knows what to do with iraq and Bin Laden.. if Howard Dean joins the president.. he'll be LOST and have NO clue what to do.

And he did say many bad things in public speech which isn't apporicate to say.. like he's too immature for a president.
Bush scares me - so I'm opting for Dean. I've been hearing tidbits here and there, many of them positive, about Dean. You guessed it...Dean won my vote.
DeafSCUBA98 said:
i'm voting for Bush.. because he knows what to do with iraq and Bin Laden.. if Howard Dean joins the president.. he'll be LOST and have NO clue what to do.

And he did say many bad things in public speech which isn't apporicate to say.. like he's too immature for a president.

I want you beware about the Bin Laden. If we are getting new president and not voting Bush for elected. Do you know what is going happen to Bin Laden? The war for search and destroy the Bin Laden will be cancel. It is not because new person not know what to do. It kind of scary because if new person won as run for the president. The congress and everything will be canceling whatever the Bush is working on it.

How do I know? My roommate is taking college history class and teacher himself a senator for Oklahoma.

Most important to vote the person duty is economic (don’t we want some better for American and increase employee instead un-employee) war (to protect our homeland) and freedom (the freedom; we are the people).

Don’t vote the person is medical because that not involved with economic. Economic is what we using everyday in our life that live in American.
Thank God Im an Aussie cause I wouldnt vote for either of them!!!!!!! Bush scares me and Dean is a nobody cause no one in Aussie have heard of him!!! LOL :gives:
If I'm American Citizen, would be same your shoes.. Poink Bush out of his hands. Sorry btw I'm pure canadian.. :)
I dont want Bush to win.. and Not going to vote for him either I have not decide yet who i want to vote.. but its not BUSH!
illustrator said:
I don't want American turn sissy!

Go Bush! Go!

Sissy? I'd rather have WESLEY CLARK at the Oval Office!

I'd rather have a 4-star General who beat Milosevic during the Kosovo War without ONE dead American soldier compared to Bunnypant's 400+ dead soldiers in Iraq behind the President's desk than that AWOL SOB (the capture of Saddam Hussein notwithstanding)

*shades of Ike riding a Donkey instead of that lumbering bumbling elephant*
No way in Hell will I vote for Bush unless I was torture to death and left on a ant hill cover with honey.

I will vote for the other guy whoever this person is and hopefully, he will have some sense on the issues.
I'm going to vote for someone who's going to be an anti-bush president.