whitening tooth paste, and whitening strips


New Member
Sep 7, 2005
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Have any of you guys used them before?

I have used both and they gave me red soars that made my gums bleed, and i was freaking out because i thought i was getting signs of gingivitis. Did this happen to you??

whitening toothpaste and strips are evil.
Maybe you're allergic to the chemical in whitening products.

It's better to have your teeth whitened by an professional like a Dentist because they know what they're doing also knows what is better to use.

Never happened to me because I don't use these products. I believe my sister had her teeth whitened by an professional without any problems, though.
It's probably an allergic reaction, you're brushing your teeth wrong, or you're using a wrong kind of toothbrush. They have different kinds of toothbrushes designed for your teeth and gums. Some have soft brushes, medium brushes, and hard brushes. Some people have sensitive gums, so they need to use soft brushes. I don't have problems with mine and I use whitening toothpaste and whitening mouthwash. :)
Do the old fashion way with baking soda.. Water and Baking Soda mix into paste and brush it. It does taste awful but that the only way...
Two years ago I used whitening strips and I had no problems with it. I sometimes use whitening toothpaste and I also have no problems with it. If you continue to have bleeding gums then I would suggest you to go to a dentist to have a check up.
Whitening strips and whitening toothpaste have weird chemicals in it and it's not good for your mouth or your teeth. It may cause decay on your teeth in the long term use of them. I use natural toothpaste with no weird chemicals and I use a sonic electric toothbrush to brush my teeth, they do a good job removing lots of stuff on the tooth and gums, of course have to floss in between for stuck stuff in between. :)
I had a dentist do my teeth; no problems. He made custom fitted "trays" for my upper and lower teeth. I put the prescription gel in them at night, and left them in my mouth overnight. It worked fine.
If you continue to have bleeding gums then I would suggest you to go to a dentist to have a check up.
I would recommend this too. Healthy gums do not bleed. You may also have, or may be developing, Periodontal Disease (which is very easily treatable). I just had a gum cleaning 2 weeks ago, where they clean all the infections inbetween the gum and tooth. I can floss fast and hard now, and already my gums hardley bleed at all. Before, the thought of putting floss all the way up (not just inbetween the teeth) would be impossible cause of the bleeding.
