When you turned 21, what did you do and/or think?

Man, I thought I had it bad with a Halloween birthday. :(

At least I get to party and stuff, Valentines day is a mushy time with nice dinners and stuff for a lot of people. :( At least I get candy!!! :D

I don't even like going out for my birthday, EVERYBODY goes out for dinner on my birthday and it takes forever to get a table. After a couple years I started going out to celebrate my birthday with my ex on the weekend, sometimes the next weekend. :/

Not too mention losing out in getting a valentines day present AND a birthday one. Cuts down big time on my bling :laugh2:
I don't blame ya, I usually end up going out the weekend before or weekend after to celebrate Valentines day as is. That, or I'm super sweet and make a dinner at home. :D :naughty: It's just not worth it to go out into that madness!
Mew-- I do have Derek, it is true, but I'm looking to have fun with a bunch of deaf people, and I don't have the resources for that.
If I could teleport myself there, I'd gladly do it (minus losing an arm or a leg).
Lol. That would be awsome. Got to make space for this hearing girl. Oh gosh....if i ever meet any of you in person i hopemy asl skills are not as lame as i think. So i wont be all annoying.
Even if it's not great, I could put up with you-- I have a large amount of patience, and don't lose it easily.
Im not a fan of flowers but usually that the valone gift most give. Or chocolates.
Fancy chocolates is a must. Like Fannie Mae chocolate, maybe?
I rarely laugh, but I am good at making people laugh-- I used to be in theater, so it comes naturally.
People somtimes think im crying when i laugh. Idk why. But you still need to do something foryour bday. Be all party!!!!!
I'd love to-- just don't have the resources nor the funds to do so.
Seriously if i was there i would take you out somewhere...idk where cuz im not yo mich of the planning or doing super fun and crazy things. But something!!
I know you like computer stuff bit whay else do you enjoy? Thats what you need to do on bday things you enjoy!!!
turning 21 was nothing special to me. just another birthday, no big deal.
I like bowling. That's fun to do. Roller Skating with 4 wheels is another thing I wouldn't mind trying. A lunch at Old Country Buffet wouldn't go amiss, either.